Saturday, June 2, 2012


My baby girl graduated 4 year old pre-k. It's a very exciting and sad moment. I can't believe my youngest is going to kindergarten. How did she grow up so fast? It's very surreal and I can't believe the time is here. All kinds of questions are running through my head. Is she ready, will she be okay 5 full days a week, will she know where to go and all kinds of other stuff I'm worried about. I am having to trust her teacher for taking good care of her 7 hours a day 5 days a week. This is hard since I have been with her almost every day since she was born. I'm sure she's ready to hit the big school, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to let her go. One thing I do know. She is one smart cookie and she will be a shining star. To give her a head start she will be doing head start to reading this summer. I feel that Ricky had a huge advantage by having transition. I want to do something for her and her be able to walk into Kinder with confidence.
(at the end of pre-K Hana is 43.75" tall and lb)

     Hana getting her certificate. We were just told what she wants to be when she grows up. A police woman who flies helicopters and lands on cars to get the bad guys.)
                              Ms Warren
                   Ms Tripp

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