Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This past Saturday we had our last swim meet of the season. The divisionals. It was held at Tomball High school. We did not have any relief from the heat though. All the tents were set up outside in the scorching heat. We did get a little cool down for the 3 minutes we watched him swim. Although, big Ricky was smart and was inside 1/2 the meet. I would always get a text that he is saving us good seats.
Ricky had a great meet! He beat all his best times. He ended the season on a great note. We know what we have to work on next year, but he has improved a lot. So proud of my little guy.
A few days later there was a banquet for the swimmers and family. The swimmers received a trophy and some received special awards. I'm happy to say that in Ricky's age group boys category he got the most improved award.
Getting ready for his event on the ready bench. It was so hot =(

Ricky in his zone getting ready to jump in and go for it.

When your in the tent most of the day waiting to swim you get a little silly. 

Ricky's friend, Ryan he made . 

Another silly pic while waiting around. 

Hana being a great sport and waiting for Ricky to swim. They had a little sprinkler system for the kids which Hana took advantage of.

                        Now they are both being goofy.

       Getting ready again for another event!
He spotted us!!!

At the swim banquet ( he was eating Cheetos)

Ricky trying to imitate daddy's trophy pose. 

I just love this boy! He's always so goofy. 

Award for "most improved" swimmer in the 7/8 year old boys. 

free style at divisionals
backstroke at divisionals
butterfly at divisional

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