Tuesday, June 26, 2012


About 20 weeks ago I found out that my sister and Marco are going to have a baby! This was one of the best news I have received ever. Not only was I going to be an aunt but my sister, Vlady was going to be a mom. Her and  Marco's journey has not been an easy one. A long 4 years of frustration, praying, being mad, not understanding why not them and disappointment. Two iui treatments and 1 ivf. About to do another round of ivf when they were greeted with an incredible surprise. One they have been waiting for 4 years. This just shows us that no matter how much we plan and want things right than or no matter how mad and frustrated we get at God, he always comes through when you least expect it. It's so easy to get mad at God or even lose faith. Especially when everyone around you is getting what you want the most in life. We definitely learned a great lesson here. God has his plans and timing for us. Marco and Vlady are blessed with a girl, Mila Elizabeth, who is due Nov 18, 2012. I can not wait to meet her!!!



This past Saturday we had our last swim meet of the season. The divisionals. It was held at Tomball High school. We did not have any relief from the heat though. All the tents were set up outside in the scorching heat. We did get a little cool down for the 3 minutes we watched him swim. Although, big Ricky was smart and was inside 1/2 the meet. I would always get a text that he is saving us good seats.
Ricky had a great meet! He beat all his best times. He ended the season on a great note. We know what we have to work on next year, but he has improved a lot. So proud of my little guy.
A few days later there was a banquet for the swimmers and family. The swimmers received a trophy and some received special awards. I'm happy to say that in Ricky's age group boys category he got the most improved award.
Getting ready for his event on the ready bench. It was so hot =(

Ricky in his zone getting ready to jump in and go for it.

When your in the tent most of the day waiting to swim you get a little silly. 

Ricky's friend, Ryan he made . 

Another silly pic while waiting around. 

Hana being a great sport and waiting for Ricky to swim. They had a little sprinkler system for the kids which Hana took advantage of.

                        Now they are both being goofy.

       Getting ready again for another event!
He spotted us!!!

At the swim banquet ( he was eating Cheetos)

Ricky trying to imitate daddy's trophy pose. 

I just love this boy! He's always so goofy. 

Award for "most improved" swimmer in the 7/8 year old boys. 

free style at divisionals
backstroke at divisionals
butterfly at divisional

Monday, June 18, 2012


I can't believe that swim meets are over, other than Divisional's. It has been very time consuming but so worth it, to finally see him be passionate about a sport. He has learned a lot and made some new friends. Part of me will miss the early Sat mornings and all day meets. Even though you are there 6 hours to see your child swim for about 3 minutes. 
This last meet he beat his best time on free style. He has a small chance at divisional's to qualify for invitationals. He would have to beat his time by about 3 seconds. I have all the confidence he can do it if he wants to. It just depends on him and the Saturday he is having. Not all meets does his time get better. 
                    Dad was able to get a lot of volunteer hours by timing. It was where all the action was.
Waiting to get on the ready bench after eating a blue slushy. 
A team mom put lighting on the boys. I always loved seeing the kids put stuff on their backs. One of my favorites was "eat my bubbles". 

Some videos from his heats
Ricky's butterfly

Ricky's Backstroke (one of the earlier meets)

Lakewood Forest Meet backstroke

Lakewood Forest Freestyle ( He beat his best time on this one) Watch my little man catch up to the lead guy!


We had a double date planned with my sister and her husband. We decided to do a dinner and movie. It so happened that same day Marco scored some amazing Astros tickets. It was 1st and 2nd row in the Diamond Section. I called Ricky to tell him we have a dilemma because I changed the time on my babysitter 2 times already and I was having a panic attack changing it again. I was told that we were going no matter what even if I had to find another sitter and pay her, that this is where President Bush sits when he comes.  Thankfully my sitter was flexible. I did not understand this excitement and hupla around these tickets.  
I found our really quick. These tickets were amazing and probably once in a life time opportunity. I was able to see how the rich do things and you could get spoiled very quickly. I knew food was provided but I was thinking just the normal concession food. I was so wrong!! They had a "real" food buffet!! It was so yummy!! You also had unlimited snacks you wanted from pretzels, nachos, hot dogs, popcorn and more. Oh, how could I forget. There was unlimited ice cream!! 
The seats were in the 1st and 2nd row. Right by the camera man and in front of the warm up mound. The seats were padded and comfortable. They even had people coming around and bringing you what you wanted. 
Thank you Marco!!!!!


Wishing the best father and husband I know a Happy Fathers Day!!!
Thank you for always being there for us and loving us through everything!! We couldn't ask for a better man in our life. We love you so much!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Ricky had an amazing 1st grade year! Some of his achievements were: All A honor roll for the whole year, winning Coyote Council after not knowing he was nominated, Coyote Champion, Principal Award both semesters (highest conduct award), math star award. He is reading at an N level. On his bench mark state math he made a 95 (I don't even know when he took it so this is after no studying or preparing for it other then in school).
We couldn't be any more proud of our little guy!!!
Ricky's class. He was absent this day. We were visiting Babi and Deda. 
                                           1st day of 1st grade.
                                       A couple of days into summer vacation.

                        Awards Ceremony!! So proud of him!!!

At the end of 1st grade Ricky is 53.50" tall and 61lbs.

R.I.P Donut

Sadly Donut passed away yesterday. She was still a baby. Only a few months old. Donut was the kids 1st pet. They loved her! She was awesome. Very laid back. Never bit the kids. Even though Hana is likd Darla from Nemo. The poor thing would try to hide from her at time so she could be left alone. Hana did everything she could to get her and never got bitten. They would put her out on the grass and she would just explore, she would jump on the trampoline with the kids and she would also skate board. Donut was definitely part of the family.
The story the kids gave is that Hana was holding Donut and Donut decided to jump out of her hand but in doing so inverted her back (head touched back paws in a back bend style) and broke her back. She passed within 5 minutes.
She is now in hamster heaven having a ball.
We miss you Donut!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


My baby girl graduated 4 year old pre-k. It's a very exciting and sad moment. I can't believe my youngest is going to kindergarten. How did she grow up so fast? It's very surreal and I can't believe the time is here. All kinds of questions are running through my head. Is she ready, will she be okay 5 full days a week, will she know where to go and all kinds of other stuff I'm worried about. I am having to trust her teacher for taking good care of her 7 hours a day 5 days a week. This is hard since I have been with her almost every day since she was born. I'm sure she's ready to hit the big school, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to let her go. One thing I do know. She is one smart cookie and she will be a shining star. To give her a head start she will be doing head start to reading this summer. I feel that Ricky had a huge advantage by having transition. I want to do something for her and her be able to walk into Kinder with confidence.
(at the end of pre-K Hana is 43.75" tall and lb)

     Hana getting her certificate. We were just told what she wants to be when she grows up. A police woman who flies helicopters and lands on cars to get the bad guys.)
                              Ms Warren
                   Ms Tripp


Ricky LOVES being on a swim team!! I should have known since he's always had a love for the water.Could have saved so many frustrating years of trying other sports. He has no issue with practicing 4-5 days a week and spending ALL Saturday at a meet. For only swimming recreational he is doing really good. He usually ranks in the middle of all the swimmers at the meets. He has been qualifying for relays. Only thing we have to work on is technique for butterfly and breast strokes. They are very serious with this stuff and so many kids get disqualified. In some of his heats he has come in 1st and it is so exciting!!  We are very proud of him!!

(video to Ricky swimming his back stroke. Poor quality bc I was very excited about him coming in 1st)