Thursday, May 19, 2011


Little Ricky is so funny and this is one thing that made me laugh last night. His school is having a book fair this week and today is his class turn to go and purchase. We were looking through the book list and they are also offering a special "buy one get one free". I decided to give him $10 towards the books he wants and he has to spend his own money for anything over.
We calculated it and he would need $15.13 for the books he chose, including the book he picked out for Hana (such a sweet boy).
We were getting the money together so he's ready tomorrow. Ricky hands me a $1 and $5. He goes "1 and 5 that makes 15 right" ahahahahahahaha I wish!!!

While i'm on funny things the kids did, Hana, also made me laugh a lot on Mon. She's such a hoot. We spent Mon together doing some errands and than the library. She LOVES going to the library. This mama loves it too because it's free and I don't have book sitting around that she won't touch in a couple of days.

On our errand at Costco she's sitting in the cart and goes "mommy did you hear that" I said no, she again goes "mommy did you hear that?" I said no, she goes "I farted.
She is so not girly!!

As we were walking up to the library she was carrying her library bag with books we were returning. She goes "can you give me my list so I know what books to check out" She had a little spiral she wrote down what books to get! The page she was looking at had her name and phone number on it. But to her it was book titles and she made sure to look at it, say what she's getting and than tell me that she got everything on her list.

I love the mind of a child. It's so innocent and genuine. I treasure these little innocent and funny conversations with them.

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