Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quote Of The Day!!

As Hana and I were walking up to Ricky's awards ceremony at school, Hana says:

"boogers are snacks"

Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!!
Where does she get this?!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Best Article Ever!

I have for years tried to explain to non stay at home moms (SAHM) or men that staying at home is one of the hardest things ever!! I could never really explain it the right way or using the right words. I found this article, which was posted on face book.
It is perfect!!!!! I though I would share.

By Heather Rigby:

My husband always asks how my day went. And he really wants to know. He’s nice like that. As we slowly push the girls around in the stroller, he shares what went right during his day at the office, and I share funny things the kids said. On bad days we vent stresses and offer support and advice.
But lately I can’t help wondering if when I mention that my day was sort of stressful, he mentally thinks, “Yeah, my days are like that too.” Because I really don’t think that our days have the same sort of stresses.
When you decide to become a stay-at-home parent, you enter into a different realm — one ruled by illogical two-year-old dictators, school schedules, and choosing the correct color yogurt. As much as I can explain this to my husband, I don’t know that I’m getting through. Now I’ve done the next best thing: creating a list of questions that will help him and other office-bound parents gauge how (cough, cough) similar their days are to ours.
  1. When you walked into work this morning and pleasantly greeted your co-worker Jim, was his first reaction to scream “NO! WANT JASON!" followed by an office supply being thrown at you?
  2. Has a colleague ever climbed up on your lap while you were using your computer and slammed the keyboard with both fists until the up arrow no longer worked?
  3. Do you have to lock yourself in the supply closet or bathroom on a regular basis in order to make phone calls?
  4. Did you finish a complete thought at any time during the day?
  5. When you went out to lunch with your fellow workers, did you have to pack a diaper/juice/extra outfit for them? Did you have to wipe their faces? Smile an apology and leave an extra tip for the waiter on their behalf?
  6. When a co-worker needed you for something, did she sit at her desk with her head tilted back toward the ceiling and repeatedly scream “SEAN! SEEEEANNNN! SEAAAAAAN!” until you came to find him?
  7. When you needed a specific colleague, did you search all over for him, only to finally find him giggling in the cabinet under the sink? Did you also find six pairs of your church shoes under there with him?
  8. Have you had to come to an associate’s aid because she fell off her desk after trying to climb on top of it using a rolling chair?
  9. When you reached for the report a co-worker was handing you, did he snatch them away at the last second and scream “MINE!” while shoving you backwards?
  10. Does your colleague lift up her shirt and pick things out of her belly button every time she comes over to ask a question?
  11. While you are using the restroom, do various co-workers come in the stall and ask you to settle a disagreement or open a packet of fruit snacks?
  12. During a board meeting when everyone is present, do you notice a smell and then have to check all your colleagues’ pants to locate it? In fact, at ANY point in your day do you have to deal with another person's feces?
If the answer to most of these questions is no, it’s a safe bet to assume you’re in an office. That said, if your answer to most of these questions is yes, and you know you’re in an office, it’s safe to assume you might need a new job.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lemonade Stand

Ricky has been wanting to do a lemonade stand for quite some time now. This past Sat we decided it was the day. Well, actually little Ricky decided it was the day. We went to walmart bought some lemonade, water, ice and poster board. We had cups and pitchers at home.
The location was going to be in front of Shallow Pockets Furniture. There has to be way more traffic there than in front of our house!!
Ricky was great at selling the lemonade. He asked everyone that walked buy if they would like to buy a cup of lemonade.
In four hours Ricky profited $15. For a 6 year old this is great. He can't wait to have his next lemonade stand.


The garden is showing promise. We were a little worried, but there are a few plants that are showing fruit. Hopefully soon the others will follow. We have a few squash, zucchini, bell pepper, cucumbers and 1 of the tomato plants is showing some tomatoes.
The basil has taken off like a champ.


I am pleased to say that Hana is loving gymnastics. I am so glad that I moved her to the "Y" for gymnastics. Leeann the instructor is amazing with her. The skills are at the same level as other more expensive gyms, but she just doesn't get all that pressure here to move up.
Hana had her first gymnastics show yesterday. I was a little worried, because when it comes to performing in front of others she clams up. Well wouldn't you know when she realized she was going to be watched she wanted to back out and started crying. Leeann knew just what to do to get Hana to participate.
I am so proud of her. She's doing so great and excelling. What she loves the most and her strongest area is rings. Her teacher says that Hana has the best basket on the rings (my little mommy bragging moment).

I was going to take the summer of, but because she loves it so much, we'll probably enroll for summer session.

(I was having camera issues, so sorry for the poor quality)


Little Ricky is so funny and this is one thing that made me laugh last night. His school is having a book fair this week and today is his class turn to go and purchase. We were looking through the book list and they are also offering a special "buy one get one free". I decided to give him $10 towards the books he wants and he has to spend his own money for anything over.
We calculated it and he would need $15.13 for the books he chose, including the book he picked out for Hana (such a sweet boy).
We were getting the money together so he's ready tomorrow. Ricky hands me a $1 and $5. He goes "1 and 5 that makes 15 right" ahahahahahahaha I wish!!!

While i'm on funny things the kids did, Hana, also made me laugh a lot on Mon. She's such a hoot. We spent Mon together doing some errands and than the library. She LOVES going to the library. This mama loves it too because it's free and I don't have book sitting around that she won't touch in a couple of days.

On our errand at Costco she's sitting in the cart and goes "mommy did you hear that" I said no, she again goes "mommy did you hear that?" I said no, she goes "I farted.
She is so not girly!!

As we were walking up to the library she was carrying her library bag with books we were returning. She goes "can you give me my list so I know what books to check out" She had a little spiral she wrote down what books to get! The page she was looking at had her name and phone number on it. But to her it was book titles and she made sure to look at it, say what she's getting and than tell me that she got everything on her list.

I love the mind of a child. It's so innocent and genuine. I treasure these little innocent and funny conversations with them.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Okay so it finally happened. Ricky had his little heart crushed by a girl. First I have to say he's only 6!!! This is way to young and I really don't think he knows what he's talking about.
His little girlfriend, Bella ( I didn't even know they were an item) broke up with him today.
I pick him up from school and he says "mom, Bella broke up with me today and I was sad". I asked him why? He says because Kenna likes him. I than ask if him and Kenna are boyfriend and girlfriend now. He says "no, because she's not right for him" ( I laughed at this point. I know it's bad but i'm so impressed that he said those words and they were so funny coming from a 6 year old).
The topper was that Bella had 2 boyfriends. Yup in kinder. My son and a classmate. It's probably good that he's single now - ahahahahahaha.

On the same note, when Dad came home and both Ricky's were watering the garden lil Ricky says "Dad, I didn't want to have to bring this up, but Bella broke up with me today."

How funny is he?

We had our first heart crushed. I'm so sad that it happened at such a young age. I'm sure it compares to nothing that is to come. I dread the day when he really feels the pain of a crushed heart.

My little boy is so innocent and trusting that a little girl at school told him that Willow Smith had to change her name to Kenna so she wouldn't be hounded by paparazzi. The little girl is Kenna in his class and she's Willow. Little Ricky believes her!!!! One person told him that they have Justin Biebers phone number and he believes.

To my sweet little boy. Remember that I love you to the moon and back plus infinity.

UPDATE: Yesterday (5/18/11) when I picked Ricky up from school he said that this one particular girl said she loves him now and they are back together.

Here is the note she gave him:

Well, my motherly advice was to tell him to break up with her because he's much to young to have a girlfriend!!


Tracy Robinson Photography was running a "mommy and me" special I just couldn't turn down. It was a Minny session in Old Town Spring. I'm so happy I did it.  I have these beautiful pictures of me and my babies that I will cherish forever.
I want to make a note that it might look like I have a wrinkle on my eye, but I don't!! It's a scar!!!!
Here are a few of my favorites!!


I woke up with my favorite breakfast being served to me in bed ( I did have to wash the dishes after, so i'm not sure if I should brag on the french toast). French toast with fresh strawberries. Yum!! Also the kids gave me a card and roses and Ricky gave me a nice card with chocolates. So sweet.
After church we went to my sisters, Vlady's house to spend the day. 
I'm so lucky to have 2 amazing, smart and beautiful children to call me "mom".
I also don't take this special day for granted because I know that i'm truly bless to be a mom.

The kids also made special treats for me at school.
Hana made me a mosaic candle holder and Ricky a poem with his handprint. They also both gave me "about mom" questionnaire. I love getting these. They are hilarious.

Ricky's All About Me (his answers in red)
My mom's name is Nalola she is 32 years old she has short hair and hazal eyes. Her favorite food is soshe. But she doesn't like un healthy food. When my mom wants to have fun, she wants to go on vacation. My mom helps our family by helping our ant. If my mom could have one wish come true, she would wish for a baby. My mom looks pretty when she brads her hair. I love my mom most because she loves me. 

Hana's All About Me (answers are in red)
This is my mother
My mother's name is Nikola
My mother's favorite food is rice
my mother likes to watch tv, play with me and dance.
I like to help my mother wash dishes
After I go to bed, my mother works
I love my mother because I always see her.



Hana and her award winning smile (just like her daddy). I just love these pictures of Hana. I think the school did a great job in making her smile. Oh and they also brushed her hair. Look how pretty!!
Hana did pick out her own outfit and she also picked out her own hair accessory.
I can't believe next year will be her last year in pre-k. That will be such a bittersweet moment for me. Sweet because I don't have to write anymore checks and bitter because my little girl is growing up.
You never realize how time flies till you have children. All you want to do is freeze time when you do.


Little Ricky is moving up in the Take Won Do world. He has earned his orange belt!!
Yay!! He's doing so good in Take Won Do. I love seeing him be so excited something. The instructor makes it so much fun for the kids.


We're so lucky that God gave his one and only son for our sins to be forgiven. I can't even bare to imagine what he went through. I know I would never be able to give up one of my children . It really doesn't matter what the reason. Not only to give him up, but watch him go through all the pain. WOW! How unselfish is that.
Me on the other hand. I'm pretty selfish when it comes to my children.
I know I feel much better and at peace each day knowing my sins are forgiven and that I will have eternity with the people I love in God's kingdom.

We had a great Easter. We spent the day in Bastrop with Ricky's sister Lynn and Gary. The kids love seeing them and get super excited. They are also thrilled to see all their cousins. Easter morning we attended church. Then we were all excited to head to lake Bastrop. It was perfect. I have never seen so much food and people in one place. The only set back was the hurricane force wind. Both the kids lost their entire plate of food to the wind. Have no fear though, there was plenty of food. No one went hungry.

The kids spent the day swimming and playing. 

It was such an amazing day. We're so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.