Thursday, May 24, 2012

I can not express how thankful and blessed I am to be called, mommy. This is by far the best title I have and the one that I am proudest of.
Hana and Ricky,
I love you more than anything in this whole wide world. You are what makes my heart beat. There are no words to explain how lucky I am to have you 2 in my life. I love you with everything I have and everyday thank God that he has blessed me with the the title of mommy and that he has given me such amazing and beautiful children. I love you with out judgment and unconditionally.
Thank you for an amazing mothers day.
I love you to the moon and back

 My card from Hana. Inside were sayings about me. She had to fill in the blanks. 1. My mom likes to "teach kids" 2. My mom is happy when "we go to the park" 3. It really bugs my mom when I am "mean" 4. If my mom could have one wish come true, it would be "to be able to fly" 5. My mom has "black hair and hazel eyes" 6. She is "20 ft tall and 100 lbs" 7. My mom is very smart. She knows all about "cooking" 8. My mom likes to eat "mexican food" 9. My mom is special because "she takes me shopping"

                            Jewelry box made by Hana.
          Coupons: 1 hour quiet time!!! 1 hour dinner dishes and 2 free hugs.

I can't express enough how much I love my two munchkins. They are both amazing!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


We are very surprised with our garden this year!! We, I mean Ricky planted a garden last year but to the intense heat all we got was cucumbers. So, we decided to give it another go this year. We were afraid we started a little late. Luck was on our side. The garden is taking off and and the plants look incredible. My most important plant is spaghetti squash. It's so expensive in stores and I really want it. In my mind i'm thinking it will replace my starch and all this weight will fall of me. Yipeee!!! I'm happy to report that there is hope in the spaghetti squash. We also have bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes. Sadly, the strawberries were a failure.
I can not wait to try some of our home grown vegetables!

My spaghetti squash!! Still small but getting there. 


This year I have decided to take the giant leap and sign Ricky up for swim team. I say giant leap because it is a HUGE time commitment sport. Practices are 4 days a week and swim meets are Saturday mornings from 6:30ish am (sign in) and can run till about 2:30ish depending on your childs timed relay or age group. Thankfully do to Ricky's age I don't think we will be later then 12ish. I have my fingers crossed on that one. I can't complain because he LOVES it! Both Hana and Ricky are my little fish. They live in the water during summer time. Hana decided not to do it at the last minute. A choice she regrets. Every practice she asks to do it. Not sure why she changed her mind at the last minute.
I am using this season as my introductory to swim team. I didn't know much about it. I am finding out that a lot of these kids had classes on technique right before this. Who knew?? The coaches can't give one on one attention to the kids because they have so many kids. There are 205 on Ricky's team and I think about 50+ in just his age group 7-8 year olds. All this for 2 coaches. I'm just thrilled Ricky wants to go and is enjoying it. I told him that since it's his first year and we are still learning a lot of things he just needs to race against his own time.
I also have to commite 21 volunteer hours, whew! Thankfully I can tackle it with big Ricky. I'm just amazed how many kids sign up for swim team with all that goes into it.
I think this is the perfect sport for Ricky.
I'm the proud mom of a Northpointe Shockwaves swimmer!
This isn't all of the swimmers. There are 205 total!!!
My handsome swimmer 


Kohrville had an all day field day this year. Of course I wouldn't miss it. The kids had a blast! For the first 1/2 they they had one on one relay stations. They never really competed in anything. They had such things as frisbee throw, beach volley ball, up the water with a sponge etc.. The afternoon was geared towards group activities such as tug of war. It was a fun day for everyone.


A couple of weekends ago we decided to take the kids to Discovery Green. It's an awesome park downtown. With a playground and splash pad. A great way to spend a Saturday. The kids got wet, played on the playground and ate snow cones.


About a month ago, we added a new member to the Pagnozzi family. A fury cute as a button hamster named Donut. During Easter we visited family in Bastrop and some of the kids had a hamster. My kids fell in love with it and it wasn't effecting their allergies. Big Ricky caved and wanted to get the kids one. Little did I know I would be the only one changing the cage, grrrrrrr. The kids love Donut. She is extremely calm and friendly. She has not bit the kids and they hold her a lot. Especially, Hana. I think the hamster sees her coming and hides! She's like Darla from finding Nemo. Except in this case it's a hamster and not a fish. I think Donut fits right in and seems to be very happy. Our only ops moment was when she jumped from my hand and landed on the wood floors. I wondered if she ever made noises. Well, I found out pretty quickly that she squealed. I felt so bad because I didn't know if she got hurt and to make it worse she didn't move for 30-45 minutes. I'm happy to report she made a full recover. I hope Donut is with us for a very long time.