Monday, August 22, 2011


I officially have a 1st grader now!! Where has the time gone? I'm not ready for him to grow up and be in 1st grade. Well, since I really have no choice. Today I sent him off to his 1st day of 1st grade.
For breakfast he wanted an egg taco with bacon on the side. Daddy made sure to fulfill that order. Ricky inhaled it. I did pour the apple juice. That does count for something right?
He got dressed, brushed his teeth and daddy fixed his hair.We were ready to tackle this big day.
We walked him to his classroom.. I made sure he knew his car number. He was like a pro knowing what to do. My problem is, I still want to baby him and do things for him and lead him to where he needs to be. They just don't do that in school. They make him do everything and teach him to be a "big boy". I worry, but I know he'll do just fine. I can't wait to pick him up from school and hear about his day. I know Hana misses him a lot.
He's going to have an amazing 1st grade year!!!

Ricky weighs 54 pounds and is 4'8" tall at the beginning of 1st grade. 

                                      Mrs. Menges, Ricky and Hana on the 1st day.

                           When did he grow up?!

                                        Hana is going to miss her brother =(

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