Friday, August 26, 2011


Hana could not wait to start school. She was so excited to go!! Thursday Aug 25, 2010 was the big day. She woke up geared to go. She picked out her 1st day of school dress, decided she wanted braided pig tails (if anyone knows me than you know that I don't know how to do hair), of course, she was eager to wear her twinkle toes. I had promised her she would get them this year.
She was all ready to go and excited. We met her teachers that previous Tuesday. Miss Tripp and Miss Warren. We heard amazing things about them. I just know Hana and the teachers are going to get along wonderfully and it's going to be an amazing year.
After putting her folder, lunch box and back pack in the designated place, Hana sat down and played with some play-doh. Of course, I tried to do my best to get good pictures, but she wasn't really cooperating.
This is a bitter-sweet day. It's the last day of her 1st day or Pre-k. We've been going to Windwood since Ricky was 2, so 5 years. It's going to be super sad parting ways, but we always have mid-week.
Wow! Did I really just write that? It's her last year of Pre-k? Can someone please tell me how I can stop time?
This year isn't going to be the same for me because Hana's bff, Addison and Addison's mom Leah are opposite days. We had an after school ritual for a couple years, which no longer exists. I'm sure i'll survive somehow.

Hana weighs 36 pounds at the beginning of pre-k. 
                                   Daddy with his cutie pie.
                        Hana excited for her 1st day of school.

On the car ride to school. Even though she was super excited she was sad her BFF is not in the same class. 

                              Cooperation was not in her vocabulary.

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