Friday, August 26, 2011

Pre-k 3 VS Pre-k 4

They grow so fast. I know I always say this. My heart breaks every year because I don't want them to grow up. It's a day closer each day that they will be teenagers and I won't matter, or a day closer that they will be on their own. If they get to big how will I carry them or snuggle with them or comfort them with my hugs and kisses?


Hana could not wait to start school. She was so excited to go!! Thursday Aug 25, 2010 was the big day. She woke up geared to go. She picked out her 1st day of school dress, decided she wanted braided pig tails (if anyone knows me than you know that I don't know how to do hair), of course, she was eager to wear her twinkle toes. I had promised her she would get them this year.
She was all ready to go and excited. We met her teachers that previous Tuesday. Miss Tripp and Miss Warren. We heard amazing things about them. I just know Hana and the teachers are going to get along wonderfully and it's going to be an amazing year.
After putting her folder, lunch box and back pack in the designated place, Hana sat down and played with some play-doh. Of course, I tried to do my best to get good pictures, but she wasn't really cooperating.
This is a bitter-sweet day. It's the last day of her 1st day or Pre-k. We've been going to Windwood since Ricky was 2, so 5 years. It's going to be super sad parting ways, but we always have mid-week.
Wow! Did I really just write that? It's her last year of Pre-k? Can someone please tell me how I can stop time?
This year isn't going to be the same for me because Hana's bff, Addison and Addison's mom Leah are opposite days. We had an after school ritual for a couple years, which no longer exists. I'm sure i'll survive somehow.

Hana weighs 36 pounds at the beginning of pre-k. 
                                   Daddy with his cutie pie.
                        Hana excited for her 1st day of school.

On the car ride to school. Even though she was super excited she was sad her BFF is not in the same class. 

                              Cooperation was not in her vocabulary.

Monday, August 22, 2011



I officially have a 1st grader now!! Where has the time gone? I'm not ready for him to grow up and be in 1st grade. Well, since I really have no choice. Today I sent him off to his 1st day of 1st grade.
For breakfast he wanted an egg taco with bacon on the side. Daddy made sure to fulfill that order. Ricky inhaled it. I did pour the apple juice. That does count for something right?
He got dressed, brushed his teeth and daddy fixed his hair.We were ready to tackle this big day.
We walked him to his classroom.. I made sure he knew his car number. He was like a pro knowing what to do. My problem is, I still want to baby him and do things for him and lead him to where he needs to be. They just don't do that in school. They make him do everything and teach him to be a "big boy". I worry, but I know he'll do just fine. I can't wait to pick him up from school and hear about his day. I know Hana misses him a lot.
He's going to have an amazing 1st grade year!!!

Ricky weighs 54 pounds and is 4'8" tall at the beginning of 1st grade. 

                                      Mrs. Menges, Ricky and Hana on the 1st day.

                           When did he grow up?!

                                        Hana is going to miss her brother =(


On August 15, 2011 Hana had tear duct surgery. Her right eye has a narrow or unopened tear duct. Since there are a few seasons her eye drains really bad and some times when she wakes up she can't open her eye due to all the dried up mucus, we thought it would be in her favor to go through with it.
Dr. Miller said that she only has an 80% chance of it being successful. This being that she's a little older. Usually it's about 90%.
We had to be downtown at 7 a.m. We planned to wake up at 5:30. That was a bit of a challenge for me since I haven't seen 5:30a.m. since Hana was still feeding in the middle of the night.
We got there early. Since lil Ricky was with us, we weren't all allowed to go in the back. I was the one who went to the back with her. Helped her get in her hospital gown, she decorated her mask for anesthesia.There were times where she was a little scared, but mostly we had fun back there just goofing around.
I know they were going to give her a relaxer before they wheeled her to the back. I was already prepared for it not to work. Even though I heard the Dr. tell another mother that it works for 95% of the patients. Well wouldn't you know. I was the 5% it didn't work for. Hana NEVER relaxed. Wheeling her back made it very hard. I couldn't go with her. She was scared and crying. I too was scared because this is surgery. Anything could go wrong.
The surgery was pretty quick. About 30 minutes. The hardest part was coming out of anesthesia.  Daddy went back first, but she was scared and kept crying for "mommy". Which surprises me because she's a daddy's girl. It was hard calming her down. She was crying to the extent of hyperventilating.  remembered what always worked on her when she was a baby. Singing "my little sunshine" now when I sing it sounds like your stepping on a squeaky toy, so I wasn't real comfortable with an audience. It worked!! I was so amazed that it still worked. I sat there with her singing for a while, till she was ok to get dressed.
The doctors/nurses told me she would sleep for the rest of the day. They don't know Hana like I do. She did NOT sleep at all. Well other than the car ride home.
I'm extremely thankful that God watched over her and the surgeons and the surgery went as planned.

                   Car ride to the medical center.

                Pretending to be a sleep.

                     Goofing around.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


The kids and I decided to visit my parents and take a little vacation. Unfortunately daddy had to stay home and work =(.
We did miss daddy a lot but we had a great time. Finally!!!! the beach was beautiful. In the past 2 years it has been so hard for me to time it right. The waves were very minimal, the beach was clear and an emerald green and there was no seaweed. It was perfect!!!
We saw fish swim all around us. A few even nibbled on us. When one nibbled on Ricky he lost his mind. I thought was extremely ironic since every time we were out there swinging in the waves, Ricky would start talking about Great Whites and sharks in general. Really?! I know they are all around us, but I don't need to be reminded. So the whole time i'm on high alert and skimming the surface for fins. Also, I make sure we always stay near people. I noticed on shark bite documentaries it's usually the people that are by themselves that get bit. Not happening here, we were always near people =).
Most of our days consisted of being at the beach from 11 - 1:30 going home to eat and coming back in the evening. The last day I didn't want to leave, it was still so pretty. We spent about 3.5 hours on the beach till we called it quits. Since I ran out of sunscreen for myself I got a little burned.
We stayed a whole week. Even though it was so hard leaving, we were ready to see daddy.
 Ricky is wearing goggles so the salt water doesn't sting his eyes. Only wore them for 1 day since the waves weren't really there. 

                             Love this pic. Look how clear the water is!
                                          Enjoying a popsicle on the hot day.

                            Hana and I working on our tan.