Sunday, May 24, 2015

SWIM 2015

Swim has begun again. This is the only sport Ricky loves. It's really nice, because Hana can join in also. Even though we are dreading the early morning Saturdays and spending all days at meets, and all the practices during the week. They practice Tue-Fri. They are in different age groups so I am there from 5:45-7:30!!! It is great connecting with everyone again. We have been doing this for 4 years now and there are a few other families that do it yearly too. We as the parents get to reconnect and the kids love seeing friends they have not seen in a long time and making new ones.
I have to say Saturday's are brutal. We have a hard time recovering from them, but they are so worth it. I love that my kids do a sport that makes them strong swimmers and can potentially save them one day.
So much goes into this sport. It's all about take off and not messing up. Since they are only swimming 25meters at this age, if you have a late take off or a goof it's hard gaining the distance back. This is a sport that missing placement can be as little as 100th of a second.
We have already had a few meets and the kids are doing great. In most events they are getting faster each meet. Ricky is doing great! He is trying hard and seems to stay in the top/mid range.
Athletics just come naturally to Hana. She is very strong. She competes against approx. 40 girls and has been one of the top placers. At one of her meets she was #1 in butterfly (right now I believe on her team she is the #2 girl). She has finally qualified for both relays.
Meets this year are exciting because I get to watch about 10 events.
We have to meet our 21 volunteer hours so big Ricky is timing for most of ours. He enjoys it because he's right in the middle of it all. Also, he doesn't have to run after Vincent and deal with tantrums.

(thankful for our team photographer)

Getting ready to take off for his relay

Hana just chilling

She cracks me up. She was making puffy cheek faces while waiting to go.

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