Monday, May 26, 2014


I'm so thankful for the men and women that sacrifice for us to have the freedom we have today. At times at a high cost. It's never free. Not only am I thankful for the men/women that serve, but also for the families of these soldiers. They too have paid the ultimate sacrifice of losing someone near and dear to them, or families having to deal with their loved one being gone for months at a time. Many times them missing huge part of their families lives. I can't even imagine. Thank you.

Of course, Sat was spent at a swim meet and late afternoon we went to my friend, Kristen's for some yummy BBQ. Sunday we woke up and went for breakfast where Ricky had a bright idea to rent a boat on lake Conroe. The only problem was that there were no boats available. After much indecisiveness of what to do, we packed up and headed south to Galveston. Little did we know what we were getting ourselves into. The traffic to get there was horrible. Through some of Ricky's maneuvers we were able to avoid a little bit of it. The island was packed!! There was no parking on the seawall, which turned out to be a blessing.   We quickly realized that the sea weed is horrific. We kept driving hoping we'd find an area that was cleaned off. No such luck. We finally ended up close to Surf Side. Well we made it this far so there was no turning back. I'm so glad we battled through the sea weed. The kids had a blast!! Makes me realize how much everyone misses the beach, and how much part of their life it is. Saturday evening the beach had minimal waves. Even Vincent got in on the action. We decided to stay the night and found a hotel on the sea wall. Due to the holiday weekend prices were inflated, but there's not much you could do. At least the continental breakfast was yummy. After we showered we went out for dinner. It was late and everyone was tired. Late morning we packed up and headed back to the beach. We did not know that North Houston had a huge storm system brewing which I believe is why the surf picked up quiet a bit. The kids love jumping the surf. Something very exciting happened and Vincent practiced walking. He took a few steps!! After a couple of hours of them having a great time we decided to battle the traffic and head back home.
We were very surprised at how clear the water was. I see a lot more Surf Side trips in our future. Such a close and fun getaway. I'm so glad we were able to make great memories this weekend.

Practicing his walking!!

I love this pic. I think it's bc he's reaching for daddy's hand. 

He loves cashews. He'll chew on them forever. Silly boy

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