Thursday, June 12, 2014


The kids are so excited that it is summer!!
Both Hana and Ricky had great years.
Hana had an amazing teacher that challenged her students daily. They wrote so much. Through the whole year she only received 2 "B"s on her report card. Both are an 87. Hana has also challenged herself and on CCA Math major tests asked to them herself and not stay with the class. She did great a 95 and 100. Her reading is leaps and bounds to where she started at the beginning of the year. She is at an J level (the highest 1st grade level). The 1st semester she was voted Coyote Champion by her peers. Both semesters she received the highest conduct award, Principals Award. She also got perfect attendance all year. We are so proud of Hana and her 1st grade achievements. She did amazing and we were also blessed with such an amazing teacher. I wish she would move up to second grade. I can only pray that she gets one just as good.
Hana ended 1st grade at 48" tall and and 53.5 pounds (grew 1" and gained 5 pounds).

Ricky had a great year. He received all A's all year, the Principals's award both semesters, perfect attendance 2nd semester, Coyote Champion 1st semester ( the teacher forgot to tell her class not to vote for him the second semester. He got the most votes, but could not be chosen both semesters). He did great on his STAAR test. He ended the year at an "R" reading level. Which I believe is the end of 4th grade.
He had 2 teachers which I believe REALLY challenged their class. There were weeks where they had tests upon tests!
This was the 1st year Ricky had to over come some challenges. Some of the subject matter he really had to figure out and get through some frustration. The middle of the year we also had to overcome Ricky taking way too long on work and missing recess time. Ricky wanted to be a perfectionist and show ALL ways of how the problem could be achieved. After a meeting he finally understood 1 and move on. Since Ricky takes everything very literally he had to understand everything did not apply to him which was another hurdle to over come. After that it was smooth sailing.
Ricky ended 3rd grade at 4'9" tall and 76 pounds. (He grew 1" and gained 7 pounds)

Yes, this post is all about me bragging on both my kids. They both had amazing years. I hope that next year is just as successful. I'm just so proud of them.
1st day 

                                                                      last day
                                                                         1st day
last day

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