Sunday, September 22, 2013


Vincent became a child of God today through baptism. He was baptized at Trinity Lutheran at the 9:30 service by Pastor Courdrey.
We chose Mike and Liz, to be his God Parents and we were honored when they accepted. Vincent is blessed to have such amazing people in his life that will keep him on the right path if he ever strays.
Unfortunately, Uncle Marco could not be there for the celebration because Liam was sick. Aunt Vlady surprised us by making it. Babi and Deda were able to be there to witness it. Which made it more special.
Vincent had on this beautiful white Christening gown. He looked just like a sweet little angel. Of course this was one service where he did not want to sleep. Though a little restless he did great.
We are so proud of our little guy and can not wait to see how God leads him through life and all the exciting adventures he will encounter.

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