Thursday, December 22, 2011


Beginning of December we visited Santa at the Willowbrook mall. The kids had their letters ready for the mail box and their wish list for Santa. You see it has to be written and said. The only problem is that my kids are asking for stuff that is not realistic. With Hana the stuff that is realistic, well changes all the time. 
Ricky wants and Ipad. I do know if Santa delivers and Ipad he is not taking all the credit for it. "No siree, not this time Santa". 
Hana wants a swimming pool and a real live mermaid. Well we have not started digging the whole so that is not going to happen. But i'll put it on my santa list too. Maybe if both of us want it bad enough one day Santa will deliver. I am pretty sure, I am on the nice list. Not sure about Hana thought. She might be on the naughty  I mean nice list. 
It was perfect there were no lines and they were able to chat with Santa for a minute. 
Love, Love, Love that they are so excited to see him. 

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