Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hana's Wisdom To Me

I have not posted in a while. I really need to post and catch every one up on our Thanksgiving and what we have been up to.
I will save that for a later date though.

I just wanted to post something Hana said. This is something I don't want to forget.
I must say, it was not funny as it was happening.

Most people know Hana and I butt heads all the time. We just see things totally different. I think wearing a nice dress to her Christmas concert is the right decision vs her choice of outfit, jeans with a skirt and a non matching shirt. Daily we're on different pages. I'm so exhausted by night time that I think I literally check out around 7pm and anything goes.

This particular day she got in trouble in school and I was trying to explain something to her regarding the issue. She finally looks at me and says "mom you are arguing with a 4 year old."

I didn't know if I should pull my hair out or laugh.
Where does she get this stuff?!?!
She is pretty smart though. There is no arguing with a 4 year old. There is no winning with a 4 year old. It's a lost cause.

She definitely keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh.

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