Friday, December 31, 2010


We're saying goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011!
2010 was definitely a roller coaster of a year.

Hana: She started 3 year old pre k this year. Going  Tue/Thurs. She loves it. She has made friends quickly. Hana as always dances to her own tune.
She did gymnastics this year. She showed some great talent. Due to her cold and hot attitude towards it, I had to pull her. She has decided she wants to be a ballerina. So that will be our next quest.

Ricky II: Ricky started Kindergarten this year. Such a huge milestone. He is going to Kohrville. He is doing incredible. Not only is he making great friends, but he is thriving academically. His report card reflected all "E"s and he received 4 awards. Including the Coyote award. Only 1 child from each class picked. Others were attendance, math and Principal's award (conduct).
Ricky played another season of T-ball/baseball. He didn't show much interest, but when he did he showed some talent. We were so proud of him and ecstatic every time he hit a pitched ball!
This year Ricky lost 5 teeth!!! Once they started they didn't stop. The tooth fairy went broke at $3 per tooth.

Ricky I: Spent most of the year working the store. Work and no play. The year has been tough in the furniture market.. As he saw a lot of small stores and distributors close their doors, Ricky kept hope alive. His hard work, hope and faith has payed off. The end of the year showed a good come back. We just pray that it keeps in that direction.
Ricky had decided to get healthy the very end of this year!!! We are super excited. He has already lost 12 lbs in about 2.5 weeks. Praises to Ricky because he picked the hardest time of year to be on a strict diet plan. As he says he's loosing his marbling =).

Nikola: Me = ). Let's see. As a stay at home mom. I really don't think I did anything all that exciting other than take care of my 2 precious babies, clean house, grocery shopped, do laundry, cook etc.....
Raising my boogers and trying to do it right is more than I could ever do anywhere else. So I feel like I have done a lot.
Many people think I am just a stay at home mom. I actually do work a little from home for the business. I place a lot of Internet ads. It's the main reason Santa gave me a laptop. This way Hana doesn't have to be left watching TV in the morning all by herself, or lay on the floor in the study as I type away.
I took the kids to the beach a few times this summer. We visited my parents on N. Padre Island. Ricky loves jumping the waves or boogie boarding. Hana loves playing in the sand.

As a family we visited Disney Land and Freddy and his family in California. The kids had such a great time seeing all the Disney Characters. We ate with the princesses where my kids were the honored guests. I saw my favorite princess. Bell. We had an unforgettable time.
After a 3rd day full of fun we drove 3 hours north to visit Ricky's friend Freddy and his family. They showed us around their little California town. All I know is that north California is cold. The scenery was beautiful. From the beaches to the mountains.

As we say goodbye to 2010 we're looking forward to 2011. Can't wait to see what kind of amazing things this year holds for us.

Before I end here are my new year resolutions for 2011:
Learn to sew ( I know I had the same one for 2010, but maybe this year is it!)
Redo our house i.e. bathrooms, living room area and window treatments. If I really want to push it than granite counter tops for the kitchen.
Another family vacation.

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