Saturday, June 5, 2010


We were wondering when lil Ricky would finally lose a tooth. He was asking about it because some of his friends were losing their teeth.
OMG I don't remember the exact date when he lost it but I do know it was mid May. Wow I feel terrible.
We were at a friends house for a play date and he lost it somewhere there. No one noticed. Yes, that is how closely we watch our kids. As we came home big Ricky noticed right away. He was like "why does he have a gap, where's his tooth"? My lil boy lost his first tooth and I didn't even notice!!!!
He was super excited. Since we didn't have the tooth, we had to write the tooth fairy a letter. This way she wouldn't forget to stop by.
The tooth fairy left Ricky a whopping $3. Whoop Whoop!!!
About 5 days later he lost another tooth. The two bottom, front middle teeth were gone. He lost this one while we were at Wolfies eating. He had pizza and said there was something hard in it and spit it out. It was his tooth!! We ended up finding this one. He was able to put it under his pillow and the tooth fairy left another $3.
Ricky planned to buy a big water gun for the money he received, but he got side tracked and bought a movie instead.

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