Friday, June 25, 2010

Helpful Money Saving Links

Oh no! My inspection sticker is out on my car and we're into the next month. Ok I purposefully wait for the next month because it gives me an extra month next year.

One afternoon the kids and I went to go get my sticker. I thought I picked a slow time. Apparently not because it was an hour wait. But I was determined to stay at this place because I had a $5 off coupon. For a SAHM $5 could go a long way!!!
So the kids and I settled into our seats. Well actually since the waiting room was full I settled into my seat with a magazine. My kids played with the owners son and another kid. While I read my magazine and found some money saving websites that i'm excited to share.

Now at one point in this hour long wait (if you have kids than you know that an hour feels like 3). I hear a lady tell her son "come over here I taught you better than to act like that" referring to my kids and the owners son. I was speechless!! The funny part was I really thought my kids were behaving. They weren't real loud or running around the place. They were just interacting. Except the one time Hana started pulling her dress over her head, but that's a whole different story.

So since my kids were behaving I continued on reading my magazine.

Here are some helpful money saving sites: ----- Get a restaurant gift card for less i.e. $25 value for $10 ----- Get coupons online and in store to retailers ----- Get free silver jewelery with a small s&h fee ----- Free computer help

800 free 411 ----- instead of dialing 411 and getting charged a $1 dial 1 800 free 400 and you get your # for free. You might have to listen to a sponsor ad. ----- I'm not sure but most of thought it was a good one. ----- Internet bargains ----- more deals

I just found these websites in an article. I have not tried them yet but I am looking to finding great deals and saving a lot of money.

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