Saturday, June 5, 2010


Ricky and Hana's last day of school was last week of May. They each had a great year and amazing teachers.
Hana had Mrs Jessica and Mrs Abby. They were amazing teachers. Hana has learned so much this year. Even though she came home with a "Oh No" note one time for her well known tantrums she enjoyed going to school. She was so happy to go every Tuesday and Thursday morning. We will definitely miss her teachers, but are excited to see what next year holds.
Ricky was in an amazing transition program this past year. Mrs Hogan had her hands full with 8 boys. They all learned so much and will be more than ready for Kindergarten. It is amazing what they learned. Some of the stuff I didn't learn till the 3rd grade!! They even know how to read!
Next year going to a public school and having 20 something students in class which some will be girls will be a big adjustment for Ricky, but I know he'll do just fine.
He's such a sweet and well behaved boy.

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