Sunday, September 27, 2009

Old McDonald Farm

They loved the giant sand pile.

The goats were more interested in eating our clothes or the bag rather than the feed.

Hana is in there somewhere.

One Saturday morning I decided to take the kids to Old Mcdonald Farm. It's a place where they can ride ponies, pet and feed all sorts of animals (deer, sheep, goats, pigs and more). They have many playgrounds for the kids and even a pool.
After an hour drive we got there. Paid our way in and bought feed for the animals. The kids loved it. Hana loved feeding the animals and she was getting such joy out of it. Ricky loved playing on the playgrounds especially one with the ball pit. They both were excited about riding the ponies.
Definitely worth the drive!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Middle of the Night Hide And Seek

Just a quick blog tonight. A few nights ago the kids were having a rough night. Around 1am Hana snuck into mine and Ricky's room and of course I let her sleep with me. Well during the night some time big Ricky went to the couch to watch t.v.. Around 4am he gets a little visit from lil Ricky and loud and clear he says "Hana is so good at playing hide and seek, whenever I wake up and look for her she's not there." How cute is this. Well he ended up finding Hana in my bed. So I ended up with two.
This is not the first time he has done this. Hana and Ricky sleep together and one night he came to my room asking where Hana was because she's not in her bed. Well he wasn't very good at finding that night in the game of hide and seek because she was sound asleep in HER bed.
They are so adorable at this age.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our 6 Year Anniversary!!

September 6, 2009

September 6, 2003

We celebrated our 6 year anniversary on Sept 6!!
I can't believe it has been 6 years. We have done so much in those years. We bought a new house, had 2 beautiful children and started a business. Definitely an eventful but amazing 6 years.

Ricky, I couldn't imagine spending my life with anybody else. You are perfect in every way. I know in the 6 years we have had some ups and downs, but I know our love has conquered them all. You are an amazing father, outstanding husband and an awesome man of God. You work extremely hard to provide for us and the kids and I are very grateful for all you do. I know even at the toughest times you never give up and pull us through it all. I am very proud to call you my husband. My love for you grows daily and i'm very excited to see what the future holds for us. Love Always, Nikola

Spending Time With Grandparents

Grandparents in the water with Ricky

Ricky touching a sting ray at the aquarium.

Ricky and Hana looking at a sea otter.

The Dolphin underwater view.

What amazing animals.


My grandma and me at the beach

Grandpa and the kids playing at the beach.

Grandma and Grandpa

The kids with their grandma and great grandparents

the kids shell hunting, we found a lot of these.

The beach was incredible. It was extremely calm and clear.

With no waves Ricky wasn't able to do much boogie boarding. He was a little disappointed.

As most of you know I hardly ever get to see my grandparents. They try to come to Texas from the Czech Republic every 1-2 years and even than they go to Corpus Christi and stay with my parents. I only get about a week every 1-2 years.
The kids and I packed up and drove to Corpus for a few days to spend some time with them. It's great seeing them. They are amazing and very young at heart.
They have been married 55 years and set a great example of love and happiness. I only wish that at their age i'm as energetic and in love as they are.
I just wish I could have more time with them.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hana's 1st day of MDO

Hana refused to take a family picture.

Hana had her first day of Mothers Day Out (MDO) on August 27, 2009. She absolutely loved it. Ricky and I walked her to her class. She engaged right away. When we left she did not cry. She was to busy playing and having fun. It also helps that she has a friend in class with her. Nap time was a challenge. Hana did not want to sleep, which is no big surprise since she doesn't nap at home either. I don't know if she will be quiet though. She thinks nap time is social hour. We're interested to see what happens over the year.
I'm very excited for her but at the same time sad. She's growing up extremely to quickly.