Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Great Mothers Day Weekend

Hana eating strawberries - they were huge

Playing outside in the sprinklers

Another movie night - Hotel for Dogs

Hana waiting for the movie to start - notice her shoes

Ricky getting ready for the water balloon fight.

jumping through the sprinklers


mothers day gift plate made at pre-K

A card made at Pre-K with mom questions:
1. What is your mom's name?
2. How old is your mom?
40 ( I actually think he said 14 because when we asked him at home each time he would say 14!!!!)
3. What does your mom look like?
She has red hair and it's straight down ( I have no idea who his mom is, mine is dark brown/black and curly....hmmmmm..........)
4. What do you like to do with your mom?
Play in the backyard and swing.
5. What do you like for your mom to cook for you?
6. What does your mom do all day?
Plays in my room (um.. again I'm not sure who he's talking about)
7. What does your mom want to be when she grows up?
a police man but she already growed up. I think she wants to be a mom.
8. Why do you love your mom?
Because she loves me!

I think the hardest and most rewarding job is being a mother. You never punch a time clock and stop working, you never get a break, you never get vacation, you don't get paid. Your lucky if you can go to the bathroom and be alone, take a shower, read a book or just have 5 minutes of some quiet time.
It is you who molds them into who they are and who they become. The hardest part is knowing that one day they will leave home and have a life of their own and you don't know how much you will be included in it. They are my greatest gift from God and my biggest everyday joy. There is no greater love than the love of a mother for her children. When they are happy I am happy when they are sad i'm sad, when they hurt I hurt. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my children.
The greatest sound is hearing them laugh and saying "I love you". The greatest feel is having them hug me.
This mothers day was awesome, actually this whole weekend was great. On Saturday we just hung out at the house and the kids played outside in the sprinkler, we had a water balloon fight and grilled T-bone steaks - yummy. On mothers day we went to church and came home and played in the sprinklers again. It was great.
I did get a few great gifts. Lil Ricky made me a plate at school. It looks great and I could tell he put a lot of hard work into it. He was so funny. We were riding in the car and he says "I'm making something for you at school but it's top secret, I can't tell you what it is. I can't give you the PLATE today because it's at school." How innocent is that? The kids also got me a Willow figurine which I LOVE! Big Ricky knew what I needed and got me a hot stone massage. I can't wait to book my appointment. He's amazing and Thank You!
On this mothers day I reflect on everything and know that I am blessed with such an amazing husband and 2 outstanding kids. What more could I ever ask for?

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