Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Day At Kemah

Hana getting a ride after a long day.

Hana and Daddy - She is 100% a daddy's girl.

Ricky playing in the fountains.

Hana drying off.

Hana eventhough she waited for the water, was surprised when it came up and got her face. She wasn't very happy.

Ricky and I riding the ride. If you look closely you could see how terrified he was.

Hana and Ricky flying the plane.

We decided to spend the day at Kemah yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day so we made the one hour drive. It was perfect because it was in the middle of the week so there was hardly any body there. We were able to ride the rides with out any lines, walk the boardwalk with out pushing and shoving, eat with out being over crowded and Hana and Ricky got to play in the fountains with out us worrying about losing them in the crowd. It was a great day. We did encounter a little whining which isn't anything new.
The kids loved riding all the rides. There was one ride Ricky was allowed to ride but Hana wasn't, so I went on with him. It takes you up and drops you. Gives you the falling sensation. Ricky eventhough very excited really didn't know what he was getting into. The whole ride he screamed in terror. I put my hand on his knee to comfort him but it didn't. Lets just say he didn't ride that one again. They have this great carousel that is 2 levels and was a big hit with Hana and Ricky.
On the way out lil Ricky won a Scooby Doo plush toy. Okay, actually it was given to him because there weren't enough players. We just paid for two players and got it. We weren't going to get anything and stand our ground due to the whining but the desperation in his voice when he says "but it's Scooby Doo" got us both. Yes we caved. No, we didn't leave Hana out. She was able to pick something at one of the little stores. She picked a nice white and pink bead necklace.
It was a great family day.

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