Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ricky's 4 Year Pre-K Graduation

Stacy and Ricky being silly

Stacy (Godmother) and Ricky

Ricky getting his pre-k diploma!

Ricky about to give his teachers flowers

Ricky walking up to the stage to perform with the Zany Zebras - class.

At Ricky's graduation - the after celebration

Hana relaxing on her bear.

Hana and Ricky being silly at home after graduation

Hana and Daddy at graduation. Hana is approving of the performance!

Hana waiting for the performance to start.

Hana and Ricky hugging - they really love each other.

Ricky with his teachers, Ms. Anderson and Ms. Trevenio

Ricky walking off the stage after an AMAZING performance.

Ricky performing

( note: the pictures are out of order - sorry)

Ricky had his 4 year pre-k graduation yesterday. I can't believe my little boy is growing up so fast. It just seems like we just brought him home from the hospital. Now i'm going to his 4 year pre-k graduation. Where does the time go? I wish I could stop it because I don't want my little boy to ever grow up.
When we were getting ready lil Ricky comes up to me and says "Ms. Anderson says we have to dress up and I'm sad because I can't find my police man costume." How adorable is that?! All I could do was give him a big hug and just take in how innocent he is.
First of all I thought I was going to be an emotional wreck, but surprisingly I was not. We got there early to get a good seat and waited patiently with camera in hand for Ricky and his class to walk down the aisle to take his spot on the stage. They were so adorable. They sang Treasure Chest, Praisin Our Amazin' God, Superman, Create in Me/Children of the King, Better Together and Hand in Hand. All were great Christian songs. They were great and so adorable. You could tell they put a lot of hard work into it. Lil Ricky spotted us from the stage ( I think it was mainly due to all the waving) he was excited to see us and waved back. Every time he looked our way he would put on his "shy" face. His God mother, Stacy was there so I know he was thrilled to see her. His little eyes just lit up.
After the performance we all went back to the "Zany Zebras" classroom where the children received their "bare books" (scrap book the teachers make regarding the entire year). They were all called up to the front one by one and Ms. Anderson spoke about each child. Lil Ricky was excited about "show and tell" each day and he told a lot of stories. When he tells stories he has so much expression. After there was cookies and lemonade which the kids loved.
Ricky was blessed with two incredible teachers this year Ms. Anderson and Ms. Trevenio. It will be hard to fill their shoes next year. Windwood is and has been an incredible school. They learn so much but not only the required regular subjects, but also what's very important in our lives and that is Jesus and God. He talks about God and Jesus all the time. The other day he and Hana were sitting on the couch and he was educating her about about Jesus and God. It can't get much better than this.
Even though I'm sad to move on from this stage I know it's a chapter in our lives that has ended and there is so much to look forward to. We're very proud of the little man Ricky is becoming. He surprises us each and everyday with his wit, charm and caring personality.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Day At Kemah

Hana getting a ride after a long day.

Hana and Daddy - She is 100% a daddy's girl.

Ricky playing in the fountains.

Hana drying off.

Hana eventhough she waited for the water, was surprised when it came up and got her face. She wasn't very happy.

Ricky and I riding the ride. If you look closely you could see how terrified he was.

Hana and Ricky flying the plane.

We decided to spend the day at Kemah yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day so we made the one hour drive. It was perfect because it was in the middle of the week so there was hardly any body there. We were able to ride the rides with out any lines, walk the boardwalk with out pushing and shoving, eat with out being over crowded and Hana and Ricky got to play in the fountains with out us worrying about losing them in the crowd. It was a great day. We did encounter a little whining which isn't anything new.
The kids loved riding all the rides. There was one ride Ricky was allowed to ride but Hana wasn't, so I went on with him. It takes you up and drops you. Gives you the falling sensation. Ricky eventhough very excited really didn't know what he was getting into. The whole ride he screamed in terror. I put my hand on his knee to comfort him but it didn't. Lets just say he didn't ride that one again. They have this great carousel that is 2 levels and was a big hit with Hana and Ricky.
On the way out lil Ricky won a Scooby Doo plush toy. Okay, actually it was given to him because there weren't enough players. We just paid for two players and got it. We weren't going to get anything and stand our ground due to the whining but the desperation in his voice when he says "but it's Scooby Doo" got us both. Yes we caved. No, we didn't leave Hana out. She was able to pick something at one of the little stores. She picked a nice white and pink bead necklace.
It was a great family day.

Sleeping Arrangement

I probably broke the number one rule of kids sleeping together. I do admit my kids sleep together. It all started because Hana was crawling out of her crib before she was 2. The only logical place to put her was with lil Ricky. His bed is big enough it's a queen size. Now they have to sleep together, it's just part of their routine and what they are used to.
Hana just got a new bedroom set but I know she won't sleep in there and Ricky won't sleep with out her.
It's rough at times because she's not tired and really picks on him. There are times he falls asleep and she destroys his room. To the point where she is ripping his border off the wall - yup she destroyed it. She'll pull all his drawers out and throw everything out. If she could get to it she'll demolish it.
One day they are going to fight and pretend they hate each other but right now they are pretty inseparable and it's amazing watching them together.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Great Mothers Day Weekend

Hana eating strawberries - they were huge

Playing outside in the sprinklers

Another movie night - Hotel for Dogs

Hana waiting for the movie to start - notice her shoes

Ricky getting ready for the water balloon fight.

jumping through the sprinklers


mothers day gift plate made at pre-K

A card made at Pre-K with mom questions:
1. What is your mom's name?
2. How old is your mom?
40 ( I actually think he said 14 because when we asked him at home each time he would say 14!!!!)
3. What does your mom look like?
She has red hair and it's straight down ( I have no idea who his mom is, mine is dark brown/black and curly....hmmmmm..........)
4. What do you like to do with your mom?
Play in the backyard and swing.
5. What do you like for your mom to cook for you?
6. What does your mom do all day?
Plays in my room (um.. again I'm not sure who he's talking about)
7. What does your mom want to be when she grows up?
a police man but she already growed up. I think she wants to be a mom.
8. Why do you love your mom?
Because she loves me!

I think the hardest and most rewarding job is being a mother. You never punch a time clock and stop working, you never get a break, you never get vacation, you don't get paid. Your lucky if you can go to the bathroom and be alone, take a shower, read a book or just have 5 minutes of some quiet time.
It is you who molds them into who they are and who they become. The hardest part is knowing that one day they will leave home and have a life of their own and you don't know how much you will be included in it. They are my greatest gift from God and my biggest everyday joy. There is no greater love than the love of a mother for her children. When they are happy I am happy when they are sad i'm sad, when they hurt I hurt. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my children.
The greatest sound is hearing them laugh and saying "I love you". The greatest feel is having them hug me.
This mothers day was awesome, actually this whole weekend was great. On Saturday we just hung out at the house and the kids played outside in the sprinkler, we had a water balloon fight and grilled T-bone steaks - yummy. On mothers day we went to church and came home and played in the sprinklers again. It was great.
I did get a few great gifts. Lil Ricky made me a plate at school. It looks great and I could tell he put a lot of hard work into it. He was so funny. We were riding in the car and he says "I'm making something for you at school but it's top secret, I can't tell you what it is. I can't give you the PLATE today because it's at school." How innocent is that? The kids also got me a Willow figurine which I LOVE! Big Ricky knew what I needed and got me a hot stone massage. I can't wait to book my appointment. He's amazing and Thank You!
On this mothers day I reflect on everything and know that I am blessed with such an amazing husband and 2 outstanding kids. What more could I ever ask for?