Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy's Girl!!!!

Hana is 100% DADDY'S GIRL!!! This girl can not survive with out her daddy. When he is around she is attatched to him. It's kind of like I don't exist. Ricky claims that it's because they developed such a bond due to him taking her in the mornings to Wal Mart and breakfast since she was an infant. Also taking care of her at night even till today. But I say the 8 months of breast feeding have to account for something. Where is my bond?

The attatchment is so deep that some mornings when he leaves for work she will cry "daddy" for about 20 minutes. It's like hey what am I over here? I'm the one who carried you for 40 weeks and whose body you have mis-shapen. Why is daddy getting all the credit?

All aside i'm glad that she's a daddy's girl. Lil Ricky is 100% mommy's boy. He takes it to another level. It all evens out. Also attitudes mirror each other. Hana is a little pistol. She is always getting into something, fearless a risk taker, climbs everything . You'll know when she's in a room. Same with daddy. He's pretty much a take charge kind of guy. Lil Ricky and me are very reserved and shy till we get to know you. We're not very big risk takers and are not afraid to admit fear.

As you can see from the above pictures, Hana likes to play rough!!! The more pain she causes the louder she laughs.

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