Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stone Bridge Church was presenting Destiny Sports Camp. They offered a lot of sport choices. You could do a morning or afternoon session or both. Ricky picked both. Morning football and afternoon baseball.
I was really surprised he wanted to do a sports camp. He liked football more. I was a little worried about baseball because it was in the afternoon and it was hot!! He survived though. It was suppose to be a 3 day event, but on the last day it rained so camp was canceled. We were so disappointed.
They ended the program with a ceremony and every participant received a towel.
Stone Bridge Church offers many camps. We will definitely be back next year.
 Oh I forgot to mention the best part. The Destiny Sports Camp was FREE!!
Ricky and Noah both attended camp. This was awesome because Ricky had a friend and I had got to car pool.

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