Tuesday, July 5, 2011


In June Hana had her first Dentist appointment. She did great on x-rays. Unfortunately she wasn't that great on the cleaning part. Her x-ray results weren't very good and showed 2 cavities. I wasn't to surprised because she's a sweet addict.
Needless to say we had to go back. She was scheduled to get 2 shots. OUCH!! They had this all planned out and she was going to get a sleeping agent. We got there early, they took her in the back and gave her some sleeping medicine. Now all we had to do is wait an hour. Well an hour passed and Hana was still not showing signs of sleepiness. This wasn't going to be good. Unfortunately they don't allow you back there for procedures. They say the kids do better if they don't see the parent. I'm sure I did better not seeing her get the procedure done also. She wasn't in there long and from what I understood didn't really cooperate. I hate the fact that her head had to be restrained in order for them to do the work. I of course didn't know this. I only heard Hana telling little Ricky. She did reassure Ricky that it didn't hurt much. Just a little bit. Thank goodness!!
The procedure wasn't long, but when they handed her to me she was crying so hard she was hyperventilating. My poor little girl. They told me that she will probably sleep the rest of the day and no running around. She fell asleep on the car ride home. Every minute or so you heard her wimper from all the crying. So sad! I guess that is all she needed because there was no resting after that. Only my child would not have any reaction to a sleeping agent. We ended up going to chuckee cheese and Taco Cabana.
She is very proud of her silver caps and shows everybody.
She was talking to me and says:
"Look mommy, I have gray teeth"
"No, sweetie, they're silver"
"WOW (in her whispered surprised voice) they are going to look so pretty with all my dresses"

I just love her take on life.

                           There are 2. Each is on the bottom. One on each side.

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