Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween 2010 - Super Girl, Wrestler, Dash, Sleeping Beauty and Witch.

The kids love Halloween. It's such a fun holiday. They get candy and get to dress up. What more can a kid want? I took them to get their Halloween costumes. Hana knew what she wanted to be for a while now. Non other than the one and only "Super Girl" and Ricky wanted to be "Dash" from the Incredibles. Ricky was happy with his costume and wore it to every event. Hana on the other hand went through a handful of costume changes. For a friends birthday Halloween party and Trunk or Treat at Windwood she was super girl, for daddy's birthday party she was a witch. Hana really wanted me to be super girl with her. I bought the costume tried it on and marched it right back to Wal Mart. It just didn't look as cute on me as it did on her. So we compromised and were both witches for daddy's birthday party. On the big day, Halloween she decided to be Sleeping Beauty.
The kids had a great time trick or treating. They had a choice between a church festival or the traditional trick or treating. They picked the traditional way. I was so relieved. Our neighborhood was packed with kids. Such a great night. Doesn't hurt that the kids scored big. I think we have enough candy to last us till next Halloween. Hana trick or treated her own way on her own terms. First she was saying "trick or treat, smell my feet" so we had to explain to her not to say the last part. Hana is all about candy. I always say it's her drug. So she stopped taking the bag to the doors, got her candy in hand, aat it and move on to the next house. After a few houses we had to put a stop to it. She wasn't very happy.
Big Ricky is a Halloween baby so we celebrated his birthday with a party at the house on Sat. He had a few of his friends over. Everyone was dressed up. Ricky finally was able to show off the costume he has been talking about for years. A Wrestler!! It was a fun night. Happy Birthday - I Love you!! 
                                    The kids carved pumpkins.
                      She's team Edward :)
     She was persistent in the fact, that she she have a mole just like witches do. We were not sure that the green would come off. Because after Leah put it on Hana and than washed her hands it wasn't coming off!!
                                                  Hana striking a pose

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