Wednesday, January 20, 2010

That Doesn't Belong There............

My husband Ricky and I try to give our kids the world. As i'm sure every parent does. If your child wants it you try to find a way to get it for them. As long as it's in reason of course. Even though you know that one thing is a wast of money, your going to have to pick it up, it's never going to be in the right place, it's going to cause a fight between Ricky and Hana and in a few days they won't even care about it. You go against your better judgment and put the cheap plastic toy in the cart.

As soon as you get it home they play with it non stop. You actually think you did something right because your getting some piece and quiet and you aren't tripping over your precious munchkins all day. Than you discover it's very short lived and there you go tripping over your precious munchkins and yelling "that doesn't belong there". It's a vicious cycle we put our selves through over and over. Why do we do this to our selves knowing what the out come is going to be? Do we have hopes that it will be different this time? Well it won't be. I guess we do it to make them happy or is it to avoid the tantrum??? hmmmmm...........

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wordless Post

Monday, January 18, 2010

What:..... A 2 Year Old Does That?

My innocent and precious little Hana is not as innocent as people think. Yes, she does capture your heart with her petite size and her big smile. The whole time she's thinking on how to manipulate the situation. Yes, my two year old tries everything she can do to gain control of the situation and have people do what she wants. Especially her big brother Ricky.
She is asked to pick her belongings up and the next think I know Ricky is picking them up for her. What just happened? What powers does she have over him? It's very frustrating. There are lessons to be learned, and they are definitely NOT get someone else to do my job for me.
Last night I realized she expects it. I was putting them to bed and Hana left her frog pillow in the living room. She asked me to go get it I told her "no" and if you want it you need to get it. She than replied "no, Ricky go get it?" In which I said No and had to hold Ricky back at the same time. She puckered her lips out and hid her face.
Hana has to learn that in life there are not people that do stuff for you. If you want something you need to do it yourself.
Can't blame her for trying though.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Joy of Time Out

When you think of putting your child in time out you have visions of them going to the spot and staying their quietly for the specified length of time and than you talk about what she/he did wrong. That's how it's portrayed on T.V. right?
Than reality sets in and you realize that's not how life really is.
We just had a time out incident that I would say was pretty interesting and gave me some insight to my lil sweet baby boy and what I have to look forward to as he gets older.
He got time out from big Ricky for one reason or another. Our time out is in the dining room and time is for how old you are. So in Ricky's case 5 minutes. Well the whole time he was screaming on how he wanted his gummies (vitamins). After enough time goes by big Ricky asks him " are you ready to be a gentleman" in which lil Ricky responds "are you ready to give me gummies" with out skipping a beat. Wow I was taken back by this quick and smart response. It took all I had not to laugh.
Let's just say he stayed in about 1-2 minutes longer.
I look down the tunnel of the future and realize no matter how hard I think it is now, it's only going to get harder. At this age I could still control them but as they get older I can't.
For those of you who wonder if Ricky ever got his gummies. The answer is yes only after he earned them back by cleaning his room.
I do have to say since I'm extremely slow on come backs lil Ricky definitely didn't get his quick comebacks from my side of the family. I have to say it's all Pagnozzi.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Girls Day!!

On Saturday January 9, 2009 some friends and I took the girls to get their hair done. This is the first time I have actually done anything girl related because I usually have lil Ricky with me.
It was so much fun. There were 6 lil girls and they loved getting their hair done. If you know my Hana you know she hates putting her hair up. Much less keeping anything in it. I was a little hesitant. She loved it and kept it in as long as she could. Through some of the process you could tell it hurt her a little but she didn't fuss. They even put glitter in it.
I'm looking forward to doing more girl activities with my little princess.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

HELLO "2010"

Yet we welcome another year, another decade. Amazing. I can't believe how fast time flies. I think I see it more now because of how big my precious kids are getting.
The year 2009 was a roller coaster but with many great things. Hana turned 2, Ricky turned 5, big Ricky officially became "over the hill" at the age of 40. We had an amazing party for him. We celebrated our 6 year anniversary. We were able to take a vacation. Just the two of us to Isla Mujeres. Our new favorite place. H & R Furniture is doing good. Started a partnership in another business with an amazing couple and friends. It's slowly but surely getting off the ground. No real complaints for 2009.
We welcomed 2010 by going to the Bell Tower on 34th with Mike and Liz. This was all possible due to amazing friends. Hana and Ricky had a sleepover with Hannah and Noaha so they were in heaven. Ricky and I had a super fun night. Due to my amazing negotiating skills we were able to get our drinks comped all night. The funny thing is I wasn't even trying. Even though I wasn't drinking Ricky did a great job with crown and cokes all night.
Looking forward to what 2010 has in store for the Pagnozzi family!