Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lil Ricky's Conversation of the Year!!

If you have kids than you know that the early years are so much fun. The things that come out of their mouth are so innocent and very interesting on how they view things. Little Ricky has made us laugh so much through out the year and has shown us life in a different view. One of the best conversations just happened recently. Big Ricky was taking him to school and they were talking about death. I know, I know but lately Lil Ricky has been asking a lot of questions about God, Heaven and Death. I'm assuming it's just the age. So they were driving in a dreary day and lil Ricky starts talking about when you die you will go to a place where it's always sunny, it never rains, everyone is always happy, everyone has enough to eat and so on. Big Ricky asked him "Ricky where is this place your talking about" Lil Ricky says "Mexico".
I just love the mind of a 5 year old!

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