Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a great Christmas. Even though everyone received more than enough gifts, ok maybe just the kids. I don't want to forget that the greatest gift of all is "Jesus". With everything going on during the Christmas time sometimes this gets over looked. But Jesus is what is most important and why we celebrate CHRISTmas. He is the greatest gift of all. Happy Birthday Jesus!!.
Leading up to Christmas there was lots of cleaning and preparation. My parents were coming to spend Christmas with us. YAY! The kids love seeing them. Christmas eve we uphold the Czech tradition of fried catfish (it's suppose to be carp but very hard to get here), potato salad and pea soup. All which were yummy. Lil Ricky lead us in prayer which was precious. Aunt Vlady and Uncle Marco were also here to celebrate Christmas eve with us. After we ate everyone opened gifts with the exception of "Santa Gifts". The kids already received so much. They each received the sought after Zhu Zhu hamster this year. It's funny because even though Ricky put it on Santa's list the Zhu Zhu excitement is over. Ricky received plenty of movies which is always a hit. Hana anything princess and she's in heaven.
After they opened a few gifts we headed of to church. It was a full orchestra and choir. The message was great and Lyle Lovett even sang. Yes he goes to my church. I have seen him a couple of times. Since it is a church setting no one bombards him, we just all look. Ok I do.
We came home the kids played with their toys than we left cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer and the kids went off to bed.
As I went up to the attic where I stashed all of Santas gifts for the kids. Well I really didn't realize how much I put up there because I did get into a lil hot water. I didn't realize how many good deals I was getting. But if you buy over time it just adds up. What can I say? Other than my kids thought they were extremely good in 2009.
The kids were so excited Christmas morning. Hana received more princess stuff including a Bell and Cinderella dress. She has been Bell everyday since Christmas. Ricky from his movies to pixos was besides him self. Till he opened Santas gift - a Wii. He was so excited. To let you in on a lil secret so was I!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Lil Ricky has had lots of fun playing it. Big Ricky and I also received the Wii active in the hopes of getting into shape. Lil Ricky says "Mom aren't you glad that Santa brought the Wii so you don't have to buy it." All I have to say is that Santa owes me $200.
I love the mind of toddlers and just experiencing things through their eyes. They are too innocent and precious. Also keeps the child in you.
The rest of the day they just played with their toys. Later that evening we went and saw Princess and the Frog. Cute movie and a great story line.
Christmas 2009 was great. I am truly blessed to have such a great family.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Windwood Winter Wonderland

The kids school, Windwood every year puts on a Winter wonderland festival for the kids. They have hay rides, animals, food, crafts and most importantly snow!! Lil Ricky loves, loves, loves snow. They had such a great time. Hana making snow angels and trying to keep up with Ricky. Lil Ricky was all about making and throwing snow balls. They had so much fun. Maybe one day we'll take them skiing so he could really get the snow experience.

Lil Ricky's Conversation of the Year!!

If you have kids than you know that the early years are so much fun. The things that come out of their mouth are so innocent and very interesting on how they view things. Little Ricky has made us laugh so much through out the year and has shown us life in a different view. One of the best conversations just happened recently. Big Ricky was taking him to school and they were talking about death. I know, I know but lately Lil Ricky has been asking a lot of questions about God, Heaven and Death. I'm assuming it's just the age. So they were driving in a dreary day and lil Ricky starts talking about when you die you will go to a place where it's always sunny, it never rains, everyone is always happy, everyone has enough to eat and so on. Big Ricky asked him "Ricky where is this place your talking about" Lil Ricky says "Mexico".
I just love the mind of a 5 year old!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I can't believe the holidays are already here. Where does the time go?!?!. This Thanksgiving was spent at my sister, Vlady's house. She married into a big family so there were lots of people. Which I love! It was a great Thanksgiving there was an abundance of food and most importantly I was able to be with everyone I hold dear to my heart, my family. Except for my parents who were not able to make it. They were definitely thought about and missed.
I have so much to be thankful for. I have been so blessed in my life.
I am thankful for:

My entire family and our health

My 2 beautiful children who I love more and more each day.

My hard working, funny and loving husband who goes above and beyond for his family.

The opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I believe it is the hardest job there is, but so rewarding.

My amazing friends who help me get through all my chaos on a daily basis.

My YMCA membership.

God - Faith

For being able to survive through this recession and having what we have.

Go Team Ashlye

On November 21, 2009 I was part of an amazing team "The Ashlye Team". Ashlye passed away at the young age of 30 from diabetes. She was a very dear friend to one of my best friends, Stephanie. In her honor Stephanie put a team together to support the cure for diabetes. So on Nov 21 in the rainy cold weather a group of us got together for the cause and ran a 5K or walked a 3K. I chose to run. I think it was the coldest day we had all year. Running in the cold is hard but I pushed through it.
It was a great experience and I was proud to be part of such an amazing group for such a great cause.