Monday, June 1, 2009

Family, Beach and Sun

Ricky on the last day

Trying to get Hana to nap. No success. Dad eating the kids snacks!!

Ricky being sexy

Lil Ricky and me

Lil Ricky and me enjoying the beach

Clams lil Ricky picked

Dad utilizing the shade.

Ricky enjoying the beach and sun

The kids posing - what a perfect picture.

Kids playing

Babi (grandma) and Ricky splashing around

Ricky trying to turn away from me

still trying to get away from me

Babi and Ricky jumping the waves

Babi and Ricky getting ready for the wave

still getting ready

Hana and daddy enjoying the beach and sun

had to dodge a little wave

Hana playing in the sand

Ricky splashing around


Playing in the sand.

We decided to take a little vacation to Corpus Christi to visit my parents. They live on North Padre Island just 2 minutes from the beach.
We couldn't of planned a better time to go. The beach and weather were amazing. If you know anything about the N. Padre Island Beach than you know it has it's ups and downs. One day it will be amazing and calm the next the tides and surf are way up.
We planned to go right after Ricky got out of school on Thursday and surprisingly it worked out with out a hitch. There was a lot of packing the night before to make this happen. It's almost a 4 hour drive so not that bad. Unless you have a screaming toddler!! Luckly we timed it just perfect for her to nap (there was one time when she cried/screamed 3 hours straight - it was a nightmare).
We get to the grandparents house and unload than we go take a walk on the beach during my favorite time. Sunset.
I couldn't wait to go to the beach the next day. We went around 2pm and the beach was amazing. Barley and waves and the water was clear. I actually saw my feet. You could see all kinds of fish swimming around you. One time lil Ricky lost my glasses and I actually found them. We came home fed the kids and got them ready for bed while Ricky and I went for a date night and went to our favorite sushi restaurant, Origami. They have some of the best sushi and it is extremely affordable.
Saturday Hana, my mom had the day off from work so in the morning we went walking on the jetties. There were quiet a few fisherman but none were really catching anything. We did see a lot of sea turtles. After the walk the kids went swimming in the beach. We than went home ate lunch and packed a cooler and a shade umbrella. We knew we were going to stay the entire afternoon at the beach and the kids needed the shade. I have to say that big Ricky is the one that utilized it the most. Sitting under the umbrella and drinking beer. The kids jumped waves and played in the sand. We were out there for about 4 hours. Later that night Ricky had another date night! We went to Port Aransas and ate at Trout Street right on the water.
Our last day Sunday we went swimming early in the morning. The water was a little chilly but perfect. After lunch we came back and the surf has picked up. But the kids still played great in the waves and on shore they caught a lot of little fish. I think they were minos or at least looked like it.
That evening we headed home and the kids slept the whole drive. It was an amazing vacation. I'll definetly be going back to the beach this summer.

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