Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

This year Easter was great. For the kids it started one week early with our MOPS egg hunt. It was Hana's first year to really get a hang of it and hunt down her own eggs. Once she found out the eggs had treats in them the game was on. They both did great and walked away with their fair share of eggs.
Their great egg hunt was at Windwood. Every year they put together a great Easter celebration for the children. Which includes an egg hunt, petting zoo, face painting, carnival rides, food and much more. They loved it. It was packed with activities. Later that day we went over to Aunt Vladys house, where the kids painted eggs. I think Aunt Vlady had a different vision in her mind than what actually happened. The kids had a blast painting the eggs but they didn't look anything as in the picture and at times it was chaotic. I think Vlady expected a more calmer controlled egg dying experience. I had to laugh because nothing goes as planned with a 2 and 4 year old. Easter day we decided as a family to just celebrate Easter with just the four of us. We went to church at our church, Trinity Lutheran and heard an amazing service. We came home and had Easter lunch/dinner which consisted of a spiral cut ham, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. Ricky cooked the green bean casserole and it was amazing. The rest of the day we spent outside. Ricky and I did yard work while the kids played. The weather was perfect.
The Easter bunny did stop by the house and deliver a piano for Ricky and guitar for Hana which they were excited about. Also our wonderful next door neighbors Micehlle and Stephanie brought over some treats for the kids. Thank you!! We ended the day with movie night. We made a pallet on the floor, popped pop corn and watched Bed Time Stories. Hana was out in 5 minutes. I'm pretty sure my kids think that Easter is like Christmas.
We are very excited for this day not only to spend quality time with our family but also for what it stands for. We can't forget that this is the day Jesus rose from the dead and because of what he did for us we will have eternity with our families. For this we will forever be thankful.

Movie night watching Bedtime Stories

Excited about movie night

Hana and Ricky with their Easter toys

Painting eggs at Aunt Vladys

Painting more eggs

Hana painting her hand instead of the eggs

still painting her hand

painting eggs

I just really liked this one. She dressed her self.

The swing at Windwood Easter Celebration

Carousel at Windwood

Hana at the petting zoo with the baby goat

Hana zeroed in on the ducks "puff ball" on their heads. It was game on. She spent the day chasing them trying to get a hold of the puff ball. Extremely funny.

Ricky at the egg hunt.

Waiting for the go ahead to get the eggs.

Hana more interested in what's in the egg than getting the eggs.

Filling up her basket.

Train ride at Windwood

I had to put this one in here because they are so peaceful!!

MOPS Easter egg hunt.

MOPS Easter egg hunt. Hana finding eggs.

Ricky getting eggs at the MOPS easter egg hunt.

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