Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy's Girl!!!!

Hana is 100% DADDY'S GIRL!!! This girl can not survive with out her daddy. When he is around she is attatched to him. It's kind of like I don't exist. Ricky claims that it's because they developed such a bond due to him taking her in the mornings to Wal Mart and breakfast since she was an infant. Also taking care of her at night even till today. But I say the 8 months of breast feeding have to account for something. Where is my bond?

The attatchment is so deep that some mornings when he leaves for work she will cry "daddy" for about 20 minutes. It's like hey what am I over here? I'm the one who carried you for 40 weeks and whose body you have mis-shapen. Why is daddy getting all the credit?

All aside i'm glad that she's a daddy's girl. Lil Ricky is 100% mommy's boy. He takes it to another level. It all evens out. Also attitudes mirror each other. Hana is a little pistol. She is always getting into something, fearless a risk taker, climbs everything . You'll know when she's in a room. Same with daddy. He's pretty much a take charge kind of guy. Lil Ricky and me are very reserved and shy till we get to know you. We're not very big risk takers and are not afraid to admit fear.

As you can see from the above pictures, Hana likes to play rough!!! The more pain she causes the louder she laughs.

A perfect place for the bathroom junk drawer.........

Hana has decided to move my bathroom junk drawer where she thought a perfect place for it would be. This happens to be the toilet. She completely emptied it and threw everything from flash cards, lotions, prescriptions etc.... in the toilet. To this day the toilet will not flush right and we are still plunging things out of there, such as nail clippers and thermometer. I think I'm going to have to call the plumber in on this one. I would love to know what goes through an almost 2 year olds mind when this is going on?????

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hard School Decision

As most of you know my baby boy, Ricky is going to be 5 late July. First of all I can't believe he's going to be 5. It seems just like yesterday we were bringing him home for the first time. This year I have to make one of the hardest decisions regarding Kindergarten. Will I put him in and let him be the youngest or let him mature a year and be one of the oldest. Against my husbands wishes I am holding him back a year. I do think he is a very smart boy and very sociable but I feel an extra year to mature will be good for him. Hey he'll be going to school basically all his life so why rush it?

So you would think the end of my stresses and decision making would be done, right? NO! So I thought I had it all planned out and he would go 2 days a week till he hits 5 and than he'll go 3 and when he goes to Kinder he'll go 5 days. Those were my plans, but I hit a wall. The preschool he goes to doesn't give the choice of 3 days but only offers transitional for 5 year olds. It's 5 days a week, but only 1/2 days. I felt so defeated when I learned this, but wanted him to stay at the same preschool because he's been there since he was 2 and we absolutely love it. Okay the fact that it's 5 minutes away helps also. So this morning I committed my son to 5 days a week with the paperwork and a hefty non refundable registration fee.

Why is this decision so hard for me? I knew that when I had him he would go to school 5 days a week eventually, but why did it come so fast.

To top it all off I also committed my almost 2 year old daughter, Hana to 2 days a week.

It's bittersweet because i'm excited about my 2 days where I have a couple of hours of free time, but it also means in just a blink she too will be going to school 5 days a week.

My babies are growing so fast and there isn't a way to stop it!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Toilet Humor

If you have toddlers than you know of the many things that end up in the toilet.
This is one of Hana's way of getting rid of things. One day I just heard the toilet flushing over and over. I finally decided to go investigate and Hana was feverishly trying to get her toys to disappear. She was so proud. Thankfully they did not flush, saving me a plumbing bill. At the time I didn't find it very funny because I was the one who had to dig all the toys out. Now it's comical.......hehehehehehehe
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Every year I like to take my munchkins to all kinds of festivals. The YMCA holds a great one at their camp site. They have all kinds of activities for the kids.

I was so proud of Ricky. He is usually a little fearful. He showed no fear riding this horse, yup not a pony but a horse. He looks like a pro up there.

Hana rode a pony. She to loved it. Hana has no fear when it comes to anything.

One of the crafts they did. Not sure what this actually is, if you look closely looks like a dog. Whatever it was he was attatched to it for weeks.

Hana loved feeding the animals.
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Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008 was a good Christmas. First I must say I did go a little overboard. You wouldn't believe the sales this year. Everytime I ran into one I thought my kids just had to have it. As my husband loves to say I "save by spending". I have to say I received some incredible deals.

Ricky leaving Santa cookies and milk. By looking at this plate you would think we have Santa on a diet. Not exactly we just wanted him to fit down the chimney. We also left reindeer food on our front lawn.

Okay, so this is the Baby Born swimming boy doll toy. I have no idea where Ricky saw this but he asked Santa for this and told everyone he wanted this. I had no idea what it was or if it even existed. I was a little nervous because I had to get what he asked Santa for but what was it. Well on one of my many Christmas shopping trips to Toys R Us. There it was!!!! It does exist!!! I couldn't believe I ran into it. Guess what the best part was? Yup, it was on sale!! Thank goodness because this is one expensive swimming doll!!

Hana with her kitchen. She loves it and could play for hours with it. I have to say the assembly to this was a nightmare. Big Ricky stayed up till 2 am putting this thing together. Harder than assembling real furniture.

My babies at Christmas. They are my biggest blessing on Christmas and every day. I couldn't imagine my Chrismases or any other day with out them.
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Santa Picture 2008

I have to say I love this picture! I thought doing something different and putting them in their pj's would be fun. I wasn't sure how Hana would react. She didn't do to good. Only if she knew this is the man, the legend, that brings her all her toys on Christmas. I think we would of had a little different reaction.
Ricky, on the other hand. Realizes this and had no problem sitting on Santas' lap and telling him everything he wishes for this year.
I look at this picture and laugh, but also with sadness because next year she'll be all fired up to sit on Santas lap only meaning that my baby girl is growing up.

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