Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Story

Ricky and I, Nikola met in Corpus Christi, spring of 2001. We were hooked from the beginning, okay at least I was. The running joke is I showed up and never left. I was fininshing up college at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville TX. Ricky was running a Cutco office in Corups Christi. So yes, for about 8 months we had a long distance relationship. Ricky made the long grueling drive about once every week and a half. What a trooper! Finally in December 2001 I received my bachelors degree in Criminal Justice minor Psychology. Shortly after I graduated, Ricky was offered a managing position with Birch Telecom in Houston. We've been here ever since. In September of 2003 we were married at Trinity Lutheran Church. In July 2004 we had our precious son, Ricky. In March 2007 we had our amazing daughter, Hana. In which we decided I would be a stay at home mom. Which is the hardest job ever!! I did put my degree to use for a couple of years working for Harris County Adult Probation. I liked my job and was sad leaving, but it was time to embark on my motherhood adventure...... Adventure is an under statement.

Before Little Ricky was born we started a furniture business, H&R Furniture ( Hana & Ricky). It definetly has had its ups and downs and a ton of stresses. We are happy to say that it's growing and becoming more of a success daily.

We are truely blessed to have an incredible family, an amazing group of friends, God and success in our lives.

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