Thursday, November 27, 2008

Halloween 2008

I always wait to buy Rickys Halloween costume, just because he changes his mind so often. Okay, I admit another reason is the last minute sales. Big mistake......... 2 days before Halloween all the costumes were gone. Well, at least the ones he was interested in. We finally find a Scooby Doo costume he loves. I must admit it was adorable. Lil Ricky really got into the roll of being scooby and loved wagging his tail. He did say that "this dog farts" which was funny. I know I mentioned sales, but I still paid more than I had in mind. This was 4 stores and 3 hours later so at this point I would of paid anything. Score...we got him a costume he loved. Hana had a Dallas Cowboys cheer leading outfit in her closet so I admit I took the easy way out. She did make a cute cheerleader. Our first stop is always our neighbors, Stephanie and Michells where they always go and show their costumes off. After our visit we walked the neighborhood getting treats. They were so cute and Hana said "Trick or Treat" perfect. She definetly caught on fast. Candy is her weakness, so this was definetly her game and no one could stand in her way. After we came home they each went through thier candy. Hana decided to spill hers on the kitchen floor and if anyone got near her she was like a dog if you get to close while he's eating. She made it clear it was hers and only hers. After we went to Mike and Liz's house where they had a bash for the kiddos. It was definetly an exhausting night. But worth it. Definetly full of memories.

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