Friday, February 28, 2014


Every year the school has a rodeo day or hoe down. It's a great day. The kids dance to about 8 songs. The parents have a chance to participate. Love watching their little dances!

Vincent and I participating in a little line dancing. 

Ricky being a little serious in counting all his steps. 

I think Hana was a little nervous. 

Daddy about to participate in a dance with Hana


The boy scouts had their Blue and Gold Banquet. It is a graduation ceremony for the boy scouts. They are moving up to the next level. Ricky will be a Bear next year. Big Ricky is the Cub scout leader so he was able to announce everyone and mark them to advance to the next level.
It was extra special for lil Ricky since his dad was able to do the honors.
It was a great night. Lots of food and friends.
Babi supporting Ricky

Vincent is asleep

Monday, February 17, 2014


On the first beautiful Sunday in a long time we decided to go to the zoo. It was my sister and her family, my mom and me and the kids. We got there early to beat all the crowds and the parking lot chaos. I'm so glad we did!!
It was a great day. The zoo was blessed with a baby elephant and giraffe.
I'll let the pictures tell the story:
Vincent and my mom checking out the elephants. 
I finally got to see the Chimpanzee!! I always miss them. 

The baby giraffe
 The kids got to feed the giraffe lettuce. Hana was a little scared. 

Babi showing Liam how to pet the animal "nicely" 
Hana made a friend. 

Vincent was very happy with his cheerios. 

I wish it wasn't so blurred. Liam LOVED the carousel. 

Cheetah basking in the sun. 
The baby!!!
The grizzly bear. I wanted to make sure my mom saw this, since she goes hiking in the mountains all the time and they saw bear tracks one time. SCARY

Yes, that's a bear behind me. 

I'm really glad that the kids were able to do something fun with my mom "babi" before she leaves to go back to the Czech Republic.