Friday, January 24, 2014

GOOD BYE 2013 HELLO 2014!!

This post is a little late, but better late than never. We had a very low key New Years. On New Years Eve my sister and her family came over and so did my parents. Since we did not get to make our traditional dinner on Christmas Eve we decided to do it this day. After everyone left we popped fireworks. We brought in the new year at midnight with kisses and hugs.
2014 is going to be a great year!!

Here are our Santa Pics from 2013

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Windwood had a snow day. It was fun taking the kids. They loved making snowballs and having a snowball fight. Hana was asked to wear boots. When we got out of the car I noticed she had flip flops on.
Needless to say her feet almost froze off and and she had a runny nose and cough for a couple of weeks.
I don't think she will ever wear flip flops again in the snow.
They also had cookies and hot chocolate to keep warm.
Here are some pictures a friend took.

You can see his 1st tooth coming in. 

Friday, January 3, 2014



After Thanksgiving Ollie, our elf came back for a visit and to keep a close eye on the kids. Also, to help Santa decide if they are naughty or nice. Ollie must have only reported very good stuff and little naughty stuff. The kids were definitely on the nice list.
Ollie likes to be a little naughty when he is here. Below are pics of a few things Ollie got into.
The kids were very sad to see Ollie leave Christmas Eve night. We hope he comes back next year.
Ollie was trying to stay cold, just like the North Pole. 

Bathing in cereal. 

He got tied up by the nativity figures. 

He finished the last bit of a 1000 piece puzzle. 

He wanted to be the tree topper. 

Drinking after 2 days. Geez

Pooping peppermints. 

Reading the Christmas Story with Santas. 


This Christmas came super fast!! I probably say that every year. Our 1st celebration was with our neighbors, Stacy, Charles and the kiddos. We met at Cici's because it is the only indoor place with a play area. With so many kids you need a place for them to roam. We had a nice visit and the kids exchanged their gifts. My kids loved their fort and for a long time was a permanent fixture in my living room.
Christmas eve we went to my sisters and kept with their tradition. Gifts were to be open at 12am. Thankfully we were able to do them a little sooner. The kids made out like bandits. I'm so very thankful to the Bohorquez family for including us, especially my kids in their family festivities. Santa even came to visit and hand out the gifts. It was a lot of family, love and laughter.
Sometime after we got home Santa and his reindeer landed on our roof and quietly came down the chimney. Judging by what he left my kids made the extremely nice list. Some of Ricky's gifts: bike, air hog, lava lamp (which is really cool), books, abercombie clothes, shoes , rainbow loom case and rubber bands  ...........(oh, the night before he got all the dvds he asked for smurfs 2, despicable me 2 and turbo) etc.... Some of Hana's gifts: bike, furby boom, rainbow loom with case, books, jewelry, fake glasses and more.
Santa definitely put Vincent on the nice list. If I was making the list he might be on the naughty list for not sleeping through the night. He received a lot of noise makers and things to keep him entertained. His big gift was a big boy car seat, which he will need in May.
Ricky and I decided to get the kids board games. They love them. It has been great having game night and spending time together as a family. No TV just good old fashion family time. It's been great!
This has been a great Christmas. I just want to make sure my kids and all of us understand why we celebrate. It is the day chosen to celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. Without him nothing would be possible. I am so glad my kids have Jesus instilled in them and are not afraid to speak it and make others believe.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Playing in the fort. 

At my sisters. 

He was so excited to get the calendar. 

After Santa came

The evidence Santa was here. Cookie crumbs and an empty glass of milk. 

She was so excited. I think the elves did a great job. 

Lava lamp. So cool. 

She loves her new bike. It's a little big for her, but she is a champ at getting on it and riding it. 

Hana with her fake glasses. 

Ricky with his awesome bike. He was a little scared, but has no problems riding it. 

The furby boom that needs a lot of attention. Hana is not giving him much and his personality is formed by how much attention he gets. So I think he might be a little feisty. 

Vincent looks so excited

Hmmmm I think he enjoyed the paper more than the gifts. =(

Our new ornament this year. We added Vincent!
Hana's pick. It's very special. She is finally a big sister. 

Vincent's 1st Christmas ornament. 

Ricky's ornament. He made the nice list. 

The kids decorating cookies on Christmas eve for Santa. 

Santa's batch. I hope he enjoys them. 

Scattering reindeer food. This way we insure that Rudolph doesn't skip us. 

And to all a good night.