Thursday, June 13, 2013


6lb 7oz 19 in.
Sleeps ALL the time
Eats approximately every 3 hours
Mommy is not getting much sleep

A little over 8lbs
is more alert, zeroes in on objects, sleeps less, still eats approximately every 3 hours.
Mommy is still not getting much sleep.

22.5 in (33%)
10.12 lb (28%)
37.5cm head (7%)
sleeping a little more through the night.
more alert, makes a lot of eye contact, registers when he is talked to and sometimes smiles back or talks back (coos)

3 months: 
loves to smile/giggle
discovered his hands. He can stare at them for a long time and keep himself entertained. 

4 months!
He is 13.14 lbs, 25 inches long, head 16 cm. 
He is growing way to fast. 
He tried his 1st foods. Peas. He was not very excited about foods and seemed like he can take it or leave it. We tried a few more after that, but he doesn't seem ready. We will wait till he's 5 months. 
He loves to smile, coo and stare at his hands. 
He is sleeping better. He was finally introduced to his crib and starts the night in it. He wakes up around 2am and than we spend the night together. I still love waking up to his big smiles in the morning. 
We started introducing vaccines and he received the whooping cough. Their is a vaccine shortage so he was not able to get the other 2 just yet. 
His little "Elvis" impersonation. 

How cute is this face?!?!?!

Vincent 5 months:
smiles and laughs a lot
sleeping is still a challenge. Still ends up with mommy at night. 
We are working on sitting up
better at eating food, mainly fruits mixed with cereal.
Is starting to learn how to jump in his jumparoo. 

6 months:
Are we really at 6 months already??!! Unbelievable. 
I have really been enjoying my time with him. 
16.4 pounds (23%)
27.5 inches long (79%)
41.9cm head circumference (7%)
At 6 months he is starting to sit. He can pretty much sit by himself. When he giggles really hard he falls over or when he sees something and leans towards it. 
He has started eating solids. Sometimes he will eat stage 2. He loves puffs. He loves fruit and hates vegetables. We have a hard time getting him to open his mouth for those. 
He loves to jump in his jumparoo. 
He is becoming very curious and loves exploring.
Sleeping is still a challenge most nights. Sometimes he surprises us and sleeps till 5am. Woo hoo!! I have been better at putting him back in his crib in the middle of the night. It's very sad. I miss waking up to a smile and blue eyes gazing at me in the mornings. 

7 Months
He still finds it difficult to sleep through the night. We do get a break some nights, but he still ends up in bed with me. It doesn't really bother me much. I get to wake up next to him and his gorgeous smile. Not a bad way to wake up. 
He is showing more of a temper than the others. When he is put down for a nap and has to cry it out, you can hear him throwing his feet and his little legs kicking with all he's got.
He is becoming attached to a little blue teddy bear. It is his sleep buddy. 
He loves to laugh. He is easily amused. It's the best sound. 
He sits up great. 
His teeth came in this month. He has 3 ( 2 top 1 bottom). So, he is chewing a lot. 
He does not like vegetable baby food. When we have dinner, I chop it up. He loves to eat what we are eating. He loves snacking on puffs. 
( I didn't take the usual "sticker 7 month" pics. Thankfully I was playing around with the camera 1 day. 

This face makes me laugh. 

8 Months
Getting more teeth!! 
Very comfortable seating and working on crawling. 
Eats small bites of food. 
Starting to get separation anxiety. Always has to be held or played with. 

Did I really write 9 months!!???  UGH. How do you make it stop??????
Sleeping: makes it through most of the night, till about 5am. There are still quiet a few nights he wakes up at night, but is able to fall asleep. Well most times. 
He is at the beginning stages of crawling. Even though he does not have it mastered yet, he has no problems moving to where he wants to. 
He loves to play with toys and clap. 
He giggles and smiles a lot. It's the best thing in the world. 
We have to watch his head because his soft spot is hard now. We will re-evaluate in 6 weeks to see if we have to proceed with a CT scan. No milestones have been missed though. 
29.3"height (77%), 17lb 14oz weight (9%), 44cm head (14%)

He doesn't fit on the sofa anymore!!!!

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