Thursday, May 30, 2013


It has been forever since I blogged. I'm just going to catch everything up on this post. So much has happened!!

This year we went to Bastrop to celebrate Easter with Ricky's family. The kids LOVE going and spending time with them. They think it's the neatest thing and they love that they have so many cousins to play with.
On Easter day they rent out a pavilion on lake Bastrop and do a pot luck style meal. So many people come and there is more than enough food for everyone. It's all so good and over whelming because there is so much of it.
The kids tried to swim in the lake, but it was still to cold.
They had a great egg hunt with all kinds of prizes.
A little fishing with daddy 

                                                Had fun dying easter eggs.

Church on Easter. 

                                                   Attempting to swim in Lake Bastrop. Brrrrr

Being silly 

Getting ready for the egg hunt. Which Hana wanted no part of. 

Aunt Lynn wasn't taking "no" for an answer and got Hana to participate. 

Let's hope he left enough for the others....

Playing washers for a prize. The kids were awesome at playing. 

Kids with Aunt Lynn

Peek  A boo

Easter bunny left the kids a few gifts when we got home. 

Ricky was in his 2nd grade school play. His class was the sheep. Each child had to make his own costume. We came up with the bright idea of gluing cotton to a t-shirt. He looked super cute. He had a small speaking part and a little dance. He was awesome. 


Babi was able to see Ricky perform. 

                                                     Hana showing her support.

Every year the boy scouts have a pine wood derby ( car race). From what I understand this is huge in boy scouts. Well, I don't think it was very huge in the Pagnozzi family. The car was put together the day off. Oops. That being said, Ricky did really good. In his den he won 2nd place. Woo Hoo!! Go Ricky. 
It was awesome. When it came time to put a medal around his neck he made sure that his dad did it. 

The boy scouts hold a huge fair at the reliant every year. All the packs from around Houston participate and put a booth together. This could be from boy scouts earning a patch, playing games or learning skills. It was so much fun. Personally, my favorite was the outside food area where the boy scouts put their cooking skills to use and every one was able to sample them. After A LOT of samples you have a full meal. 
A maze they have to get through blind folded. Since Ricky is such a careful and thorough kid it took forever, but he made it!!!

                                                 Learning how to play marbles.

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