Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hana decided that she wanted to do cheer with her friend Julianne. So we signed her up at Champions Baptist with the Upwards team. We had a long talk before we signed her up that there will be no backing out or crying. Hana dislikes being watched and will shy away or start crying. As I have predicted this was no different. I didn't play into it and would walk away from her. As long as I did that she was fine and did some of the cutest cheers.
I really thing she liked it. It was really cute to watch.

                                                On stage for their end of season ceremony


                                                 The "spinsters" put on a great show.

She is so proud of her medal. 


Hana lost her second tooth!! My little girl is growing up so fast. She lost it on Feb 25, 2013 in the evening at teta's house. It has been wiggling for a very long time, so it was just a matter of time.
She was so excited and called me right away.
She understood the tooth fairy would have to come the next day since she is not sleeping at home and the tooth fairy only comes to where she lives. The tooth fairy left her $2!.


My parents came to visit on Dec 3 and were staying a whole 3 months. Yay!! The kids were so excited to see their grandma and grandpa (babi & deda). While they were here my dad spoiled us with Czech cooking and my mom gave the kids all the attention she could.
Feb 26, 2013 was their departure date. My dad went back to Czech by himself. My mom stayed. She will be here when Levi or Vincent is born. Yay!! In 3 months she will go back to Czech or my dad will come back and they will make a permanent home here in Houston. We are hoping for the 2nd choice. It would be so good to have them close and the kids will be more excited than they are on Christmas morning.
Some Pics of when they were here:
Vlady's 33rd birthday celebrated at Alicias. 

Uncle Marco and Ricky

Deda with his mini me. Scary how much they look alike. 

Eating a big piece of birthday cake. 

Awwww how sweet. 
Hana and Ricky at Blue and Gold boy scout banquet

Liams baptism

With babi and teta at boy scouts. 
A real astronaut speaker!!

My favorite boy scouts

Babi and Liam at his babptizmal

To Liam - Nazdravi


I can not believe how fast this school year is going. It's CrAzY!! We just ended our first semester. Kohrville always ends a semester with awards.
Ricky received amazing grades and awards. He go all the top awards. Principals (for citizenship), math, A honor roll and one where his peers pick a student called the "coyote champion" award. Two kids from each class were picked. Not to brag,  but he got it Kinder, 1st and 2nd. What a great achievement.
Hana received a few awards too. She got perfect attendance, math and citizenship award ( she likes to socialize).
She has come a long way. We are very proud of her.

Report cards:
The 2nd 9 weeks Ricky's report card reflected all high grades. His lowest grade was in Social Studies with a 98.
His reading level is  "P" with 159 words per minute. The middle of second grade goal is Level L with 78-106 words per minute.

She is really doing good. Her conduct came up from an "S" to an "E".  All her grades are S+ to E+ except math which came down to a "S".
On a side note, I think her teachers maybe a little harder bc they don't let her have make ups or drop a grade like a lot of teachers. She could have really good grades, but gets 1 bad 1 and it could mess it all up =(.
She is getting the hang of reading and you could tell things are clicking for her.

Hana accepting her awards.

On stage

Ricky "Coyote Champion"