Saturday, November 10, 2012


The kids survived their 1st nine weeks of school. Hana Kindergarten and Ricky 2nd. The kids really enjoy going to school and Hana even says she likes Kindergarten. Which we were a little worried because she was jumping into a 5 day a week schedule from 2-3 days. They both love their teachers and have made great friends.
Hana made it through her 9 weeks with only 3 incidents. 1. She asked a boy to stab her with a pencil right after the teacher said not to. 2. On the dome monkey bars there was a girl sitting at the top and Hana wanted her spot so she just decided to push her down. She did feel remorseful after she realized what she had done and cried. 3. She bent a boys finger back.

Her conference was good. Ricky went. Hana tries to be done 1st and not do her best. She treats work like a race. Also, she tries to be mother hen of her table and if things don't go her way than she loses it. Of course we are all working on helping her understand.

Report card:
S+ ( which hers were an 89 --- grrrrrr) Reading and Language
E Math, Technology Apps, Art, Theater Arts, Music, P.E., Health
E+ Science, Social Studies
In her math assessment she scored a 93.

Her troubles this 9 weeks was Rhyming and issues with paying attention/listening at times.

Ricky received good conduct every day this 9 weeks.

Report Card:
Reading, Language Composition and L/A Composition: 100
Math: 95
Science and Social Studies: 97
Only S: Music Conduct and Art.

State Math Assessment: 90 ( he only missed 2 problems).

We are very proud of both kiddos for their good reports. They are both amazing kiddos, and we are super blessed to have such great kids.

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