Monday, March 19, 2012


Five years ago today, God has blessed me with my amazing little girl, Hana, which I love more then words could ever express.
She was born on her own terms and still lives life only by her own rules. She is our little fire cracker who will stand up for her self in a heartbeat, but at the same time is caring as can be.
She makes us laugh daily, but at the same time she makes us mad daily.
I could not imagine my life with out her and her bigger then life personality.
She is an incredible little girl and I know will be an amazing women who will conquer the world.
At 5 years old she weighs: 39.5lbs  and is 3 feet 8 inches tall.

We celebrated her birthday on the 18th with her aunt Vlady and Uncle Marco.  Vlady made a delicious coconut cake, which I think I od'ed on today. It is so good! I made a recipe from Pioneer Women. Whiskey Chicken. It was soooo good. I can't wait to make it again.
Hana had a great birthday. We took her to Toys R Us and she picked out a few toys and that evening was spent celebrating her birthday with Vlady and Marco.

                   Hana wanted chinese (sweet chicken) for her birthday lunch. Panda express it was.
                    Her Toys R Us trip. She got a stuffed kitty and a Barbie interactive puppy/dr kit.

                                          The coconut cake Aunt Vlady made. Delicious!!

                   Precious Moments statue Hana gets every year for her birthday from Uncle Marco.
                                          I loved her face here. Only reason it made the blog.

                                                      I hope she made a good wish.

                                      The James Avery necklace Hana got to match Aunt Vlady's.

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