Thursday, February 17, 2011

Takewondo Is Good For Me!!

I put Ricky into Takewondo. I figured it was a shot. Maybe he'd like it? I have to say I am thrilled. He LOVES it!! It's so great seeing him go to something with a smile on his face and something he puts his all into. Master Hahn is great with the kids. He tries to make things into a game and jokes with them.
I love hearing Master Hahn at the end of each session tell me that Ricky is good or getting much better.
I love how it's building confidence in Ricky.
Right now we're working on getting his white belt. Master Hahn just doesn't give those out. You have to earn it.
It might not be the baseball or football that I had in mind when I had a little boy. I'm learning that it's not about what I want but it's about what makes him happy and what he enjoys. His smile is so worth it.
At least with Takewondo he will know how to protect himself. Which is super important for him, since he is so passive.
One of their saying during punching "Takewondo is good for me"
Right now we're just getting the basics down. After that we will introduce sparring. Lil Ricky can't wait.

Valentines Party

I attended Ricky's Valentines day party at school. I love attending his class functions. He gets such a great smile. It was a nice party. The kids had juice and cookie (even Hana was able to get in on that), exchanged valentines. Which was super exciting for the kids. Than they played word bingo. Which was so much fun. Loved hearing all the kids get excited when they had only 1 more word in the column/row left to win.
I did find out that the girl Ricky has a crush on sits right next to him. So cute!! It was great seeing Ricky help another student who wasn't as strong as him in reading find the words. He's such the perfect student. 
Hana was kind of on her own agenda. She found a small play table and spread out all of her toys. This kept her entertained for a little bit. 
Earlier that day big Ricky volunteered for the Valentines day fun run in P.E. The kids run the 1/2 track (10 laps equal a mile.) and which class gets the most wins a Popsicle party. Ricky's class won it!!!! Ricky did a great job in running. He ran 12 laps!! So proud of him. He was one of the boys who ran the most. I also think he was showing off for dad =).
Ms.Narum  with the  kids.
                                                     Hana had her own party going on.                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Ricky received his 2nd 9 weeks report card for Kindergarten. He's such a smart little boy. He got all E's. Okay 1 S. It was in class participation. He only received an S because he doesn't raise his hand enough. He is a shy boy in class. Always has been. It takes him a while to talk in class. All his teachers were always shocked that he talked. So him raising his hand once in a while is great for him and also stepping out of his comfort zone.  I don't agree with the S for that reason. I don't believe bringing down his grade because he's shy.
At the awards ceremony Ricky received an award for Math, All A honor roll and Principals award.
So proud of my little guy. He's doing amazing in school academically and socially.