Sunday, July 25, 2010

RICKY IS 6!!!!!!

Six years ago today God has blessed me with my sweet lil blue eyed boy. I can't believe it has been 6 years. I remember bringing him home and he needing me for everything. In these wonderful 6 years we have seen him transform into a caring, sweet, funny young boy. Ricky truly has the sweetest heart. He will be starting a new chapter in his life this fall. Kindergarten. I know with his amazing personality he won't have any problems making great friends.
We had his birthday party today at a friends neighborhood pool. It was perfect. The weather was amazing (which I was worried about because the forecast predicted rain), we were surrounded by many great friends, had some great cup cakes (which I made with the help of Duncan Hines  ;-) ) . Ricky picked a Toy Story Theme so we had a few decorations to match it. Even though presents are not necessary because we are thrilled everyone comes to celebrate in his special day, they are greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone for showering him with gifts. I'm pretty sure he got everything he wanted. 
What a perfect day for the perfect boy.

Lil Ricky knows that his faith comes first. Yesterday I was telling him that I love him more than anything in the whole wide world and instead of accepting it he set me straight and told me I can't love him more than God because he comes first. 

                                                               Ricky jumping in!!

Hana before the party. She's ready to get the show on the road!

Ricky before his party.  We could not get the DS away from him. Thank you Babi, Aunt Vlady and Uncle Marco for helping me get my DS. I. LOVE. IT. Also thank you everyone for my DS games!!


Toy Story Cupcakes. They were delicious. Yum. Yum.

Ricky and Logan

Cade, Ricky and Caden

Ricky and Aiden

Ricky getting ready to blow out his cupcake. 

No words needed

Cole, Ricky, Caden

Ricky, Jacob, Cole

I love you more than words could ever express. You and Hana are my happiness. You are such an amazing little boy and I thank God every day for giving you to me.
I hope you had an amazing day today. 
I love you lil Buddy. 

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