Monday, March 22, 2010


This year I have decided to keep Hana's birthday party small. It just makes it a lot easier and a lot more budget friendly. We invited the people that mean the most to her and us. The original plan was to have her birthday party at Collins park. It was a perfect idea. The kids could play outside the adults could converse. Well the day of the party it was a high of 61 degrees and sunny. Which sounds perfect right? No! There was a blizzard wind with it. Houston hardly ever has high winds!! Big Ricky had to convince me that the very cold wind just wasn't good for the kids nor all the decorations. The party was moved to my house. I had 2 hours to get everything ready. Thankfully it was a small party, maybe 8 different families.
As much as I didn't want to have it at the house, I have to admit the party was a success. The kids had a lot of fun. The irony of it was that the kids played outside almost the entire party. The adults stayed inside where it was nice and warm.
Hana had an amazing birthday.

To My baby girl Hana,
Wow I can't believe you're already 3 years old. I remember it just like yesterday bringing you home. You were so tiny and helpless. It has been amazing watching you grow into this spit fire girl you are. Even though you are petite you sure are tough and can definitely take care of your self. I think when God made little girls out of sugar and spice you received an extra dose of spice. You are definitely a strong willed child. You learn very quickly how to manipulate a situation. But at the same time you are extremely affectionate and say the sweetest things. You are also a very talented little girl, just like your daddy. Everything seems to come easily to you. I love how your big brother, Ricky is your comfort. As long as he's around you everything seems to be okay for you. I love the way you make us laugh with your comments and actions.
You're only 3 and already have such a huge personality. Daddy and I are extremely proud of you. I wish you could stay my little Hana forever but I know one day you will grow up to be this amazing woman.
I am so thankful and blessed that you are in my life. My life has been enriched and happier with you in it. Yes, we do have bad days but it doesn't matter because you are in my life. I love you and your brother more than anything in this world. You guys are what makes my life complete. I love you my precious little girl.
Love always,

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