Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Great Day

This past weekend, Saturday to be specific was a beautiful day. Warm and sunny. Something we haven't seen in awhile. As a family we wanted to do something. We knew we didn't want to do the mall or go shopping. So we decided to go the Huntsville State Park. What a wonderful idea. We were able to walk the trails. We saw rabbits chasing each other. I have to admit do to all the I survived or I shouldn't be alive shows I watch I was a lil afraid of a Mountain Lion coming out of now where. Sounds silly I know but it could happen. We had a great day and plan on returning again.

Also that same day the 100 mile non stop marathon was going on at the Huntsville State Park. Yes, you don't need to re-read I did write 100 mile NON STOP marathon. Ricky's good friend, Freddy from California was one of the people who ran it. He finished it in 28 hours!!! Lets just say he was sore and extremely tired the next day. I did learn one interesting thing that through out all the running they are constantly eating these special foods/gels. So through the whole run they will consume about 15,000 calories. That's NUTS!! What an amazing accomplishment and we're so proud of him.

On another note Ricky and Hana have been getting up around 3 am and coming to my bed. Well, this really wasn't working for me so I wasn't sure if this was going to work but I told Ricky if the sun is not out than you don't get out and just go back to sleep unless your hurt. IT WORKED!! He said he woke up a few times but because the sun wasn't shinning he went back to bed.

A couple of days Hana woke him up because he she was scared and he told her to close her eyes and go back to sleep that Jesus will protect her.

What a precious little boy I was blessed with. I hope he never loses his innocence.

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