Thursday, November 27, 2008

Halloween 2008

I always wait to buy Rickys Halloween costume, just because he changes his mind so often. Okay, I admit another reason is the last minute sales. Big mistake......... 2 days before Halloween all the costumes were gone. Well, at least the ones he was interested in. We finally find a Scooby Doo costume he loves. I must admit it was adorable. Lil Ricky really got into the roll of being scooby and loved wagging his tail. He did say that "this dog farts" which was funny. I know I mentioned sales, but I still paid more than I had in mind. This was 4 stores and 3 hours later so at this point I would of paid anything. Score...we got him a costume he loved. Hana had a Dallas Cowboys cheer leading outfit in her closet so I admit I took the easy way out. She did make a cute cheerleader. Our first stop is always our neighbors, Stephanie and Michells where they always go and show their costumes off. After our visit we walked the neighborhood getting treats. They were so cute and Hana said "Trick or Treat" perfect. She definetly caught on fast. Candy is her weakness, so this was definetly her game and no one could stand in her way. After we came home they each went through thier candy. Hana decided to spill hers on the kitchen floor and if anyone got near her she was like a dog if you get to close while he's eating. She made it clear it was hers and only hers. After we went to Mike and Liz's house where they had a bash for the kiddos. It was definetly an exhausting night. But worth it. Definetly full of memories.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cozumel Vacation

We took our first family vacation!! This was very exciting for the whole family. First you have to understand how much planning went into this. After researching for months and a lot of late nights, we or should I say I, narrowed it down to Cozumel Mexico. I love the Carribbean water. I needed something that was calm and clear. What better place than Cozumel. Little Ricky was so excited to fly. We were definetly worried about Hana. To get ready for our trip I went to the dollar store and bought a handful of toys to keep Hana occupied and candy for the changing cabin pressure. Both the kids were great on the flight. The changing pressure did not bother them at all. I had all this candy and I didn't even need it... go figure. We get there and the shuttle takes us to our hotel, El Cozmuleno. It's incredible and extremely clean. The beach was amazing. Just like a pool with fish. I was so excited about all the snorking I was going to get to do! The first 2 days were amazing. Hana and big Ricky took afternoon naps while lil Ricky and I played in the pool, swung on the hammock and swam in the beach. Our second day we went snorkling, all I have to say is amazing!! Hana was practically the first to jump of the boat. It took a little while to convince lil Ricky to jump in. He finally did and had the time of his life. He saw Nemo, Dori and Bubbles. What could be better for a 4 year old? The excitement he had was priceless. Then what seemed like Hurricane Ike blew in and didn't stop! The last days were disappointing due to the weather. We met some friendly people that just adored our kids and lil Ricky made a few girlfriends, some were quiet older than he was..hehehe. We had a great family vacation!! I would definetly go back. I'm looking forward to our next family vacation. Big Ricky gets to pick the destination!!

Our Peanuts

Little Ricky was born in July 2004. He is a very sweet boy. He loves movies and books. Anything Disney is golden. As any 4 year old boy he also loves playing outside and just beeing goofy. Ricky is reserved till he gets to know you, than he is extremely out going and a non stop talker. Little did we know this when we had him evaluated for speech due to starting late...ha! He loves to negotiate and he is very good at it. He may not be our athletic one, but he is definetly smart.


We were blessed with Hana in March 2007. Delivery should of been my first sign that she is going to do what she wants when she wants. She baked in the oven till her due date but when she was ready to come out, there was no stopping her. From time of labor to delivery took only 6 hours. YUP, no epideral, not even a doctor ready to catch her. So, you see Hana does everything on her own time and fast since birth. There is no stopping her. She is definetly a high energy and strong willed child. There is not an ounce of fear in her. She takes falls that would make any parent panic but she gets back up and continues trucking. She's the first to try anything. Her personality definetly makes up for her petite size. She wins everyone over with her size and adorable smile.

Our Story

Ricky and I, Nikola met in Corpus Christi, spring of 2001. We were hooked from the beginning, okay at least I was. The running joke is I showed up and never left. I was fininshing up college at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville TX. Ricky was running a Cutco office in Corups Christi. So yes, for about 8 months we had a long distance relationship. Ricky made the long grueling drive about once every week and a half. What a trooper! Finally in December 2001 I received my bachelors degree in Criminal Justice minor Psychology. Shortly after I graduated, Ricky was offered a managing position with Birch Telecom in Houston. We've been here ever since. In September of 2003 we were married at Trinity Lutheran Church. In July 2004 we had our precious son, Ricky. In March 2007 we had our amazing daughter, Hana. In which we decided I would be a stay at home mom. Which is the hardest job ever!! I did put my degree to use for a couple of years working for Harris County Adult Probation. I liked my job and was sad leaving, but it was time to embark on my motherhood adventure...... Adventure is an under statement.

Before Little Ricky was born we started a furniture business, H&R Furniture ( Hana & Ricky). It definetly has had its ups and downs and a ton of stresses. We are happy to say that it's growing and becoming more of a success daily.

We are truely blessed to have an incredible family, an amazing group of friends, God and success in our lives.