Monday, August 24, 2015


I can't believe this is Ricky's last year of elementary. I remember holding his hand and guiding him to kindergarten. How big and scary everything looked. Now he's so confident and didn't want to be walked to class. We let him walk to class by himself, but then we went to visit his teacher, Mrs. Freeman to say hi. He's definitely growing fast and becoming such an amazing young boy  man.
His teacher this year is Mrs. Freeman. We absolutely love her. We know her from boyscouts. Ricky loves her. She thinks she's great and super fun. I'm sure he will be challenged since she has a middle school background and knows what they need to be ready. I also found out that a lot of kids were hoping for her. We are one of the lucky ones.

Hana is entering the 3rd grade!! This is the year where you are not babied anymore =( and the year of the STAR test. I know she will do great. Hana has Mrs. Ruffin. She received the teacher of the year award last year and I know she is highly requested. Hana already loves her. I know she's going to have an awesome year.

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