Saturday, August 16, 2014


As the summer is approaching the end, we wanted to do something fun with the kids. Since I received a tip that the Corpus Christi beach was perfect right now, my 1st reaction was to go. It was spontaneous so we researched hotels in the hopes of finding an affordable one on North Padre Island (or very close). Well, after hours of searching. No such luck. It would be my 1st time back since my parents moved. So it would have been a bitter sweet trip. I just don't think it will ever be the same with out them there. After searching hotels, I REALLY realized how blessed I was that my parents lived so close to the beach and I never had to worry about vacancy. I know that my kids really miss the beach. It was a second home to them for so many years.
Second choice....... Pleasure Pier in Galveston. We have never been, so it was a new experience for all of us. We got there close to when it opened. The crowd was not bad. The kids had a blast riding most of the roller coasters. They both loved the dragon. Ricky wanted to ride it over and over. Even Vincent had a favorite ride, the big wheel. He loved the bumpiness of it and pressing all the buttons in the car. We had a late lunch across the street at Fish Tales. The food was really good. Vincent was a little fussy and thankfully after lunch he fell asleep for a couple of hours. We stayed at the pleasure pier till around 9pm. We did notice that in the evening it started to get pretty crowded.
Over all we really enjoyed the Pleasure Pier. It was great to get one last quick trip in before school starts.

He did not have enough patience to wait for this thing to start moving. 

Even though you can't tell by their faces they loved this ride. 

The log ride was fantastic. 

The carousel was great, you were able to get a great view of the city from up there. 

The little guy is asleep missing all the action. 

The Dragon. Ricky loved it!! It took Hana a few rides to get confident enough with it. Toward the end she had enough courage to sit in the very back (top) with Ricky. 

Vincent on the big wheel

just looking for buttons to press

Ricky riding away on his seahorse/dragon

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