Monday, April 21, 2014


Seven years ago on March 19, God has blessed me with an adorable baby girl. My mind can not comprehend that she is 7 already. Just yesterday she was dressing up in princess dresses and playing kitchen. Everyday I still see this little girl in front of me, but at night when I go to check on them I realize how much she has grown. She is the most caring sensitive and funny girl, but she is the most strong willed and persistent little girl I know. One minute she's making you want to tear your hair out the next you're just in awwww how caring she is. I love her to pieces and am so thankful I have her to call me "mom".  I am so blessed to have her in my life. It would not be the same with out her and honestly it would be quiet boring.
I love you precious girl. Keep doing what you're doing and don't change for anyone. God has amazing things planned for you. You are a big deal and I love you more than words could ever explain.
Love, Mommy.

Hana decided that instead of a big gift she would like a big party. Oh boy was it big! The weather was a little sketchy so we had to cancel the bounce house. She had a ton of her friends to help her celebrate the big "7".  I was just talking to someone what happened to the days of simple parties? This is exactly what it turned out to be and it was a blast. Due to cancelling the bounce house we planned some "minute to win it" games. The kids played for a bit, but were more interested in getting back to just simple play. It was hectic and chaotic, but a great party.

Hana's last night as a 6 year old.

Playing "junk in the trunk"

Playing "elephant"

Ricky took it to a new level

Make a big wish, sweet girl.

Don't you just love that face!

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